Some Morale Minima

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Some Morale Minima

Some Morale Minima

Lenn Goodman argues that there are certain things that are simply wrong. Goodman is right. As I reviewed the information presented to me, and thought about it, in several cases I would have to agree with the author's stance that there are some things that are wrong. Some such as genocide and slavery especially in regards to women and children is very wrong and that we as a nation should not sit back and continue to let it happen, and pretend it is not something that directly affects us. As a nation we want to wait until it looks like there are no other options than for us to get involved in telling another country what they are doing wrong and just how wrong it is. We always seem to wait to try to make a change for the better(Hughes, 2001). If anything we should learn from our past mistakes and not let them continue to happen. Such as learning from the horror of Hitler and his SS Troops to go out and attempt to wipe out an entire race, just for being different than them. I found 'Some Moral Minima' to be very well written and a very thought provoking piece, and a piece that really hits close to home.

Goodman presents challenges to relativism. Goodman listed a couple of challenges to put up against relativism. She talked about genocide, germ warfare, terrorism, slavery, rape, and more. These are true examples of things that can be mentioned why they are wrong and not why it's ok. She did mention polygamy, and I feel this one can go both ways really. Now unless the women were forced into the marriage then I can see how this can be morally wrong. I tend to see things on a ...
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