Security Issues On Mobile Commerce

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Security Issues on Mobile Commerce

Table of Contents


Outline of the Study1

Background of the Research1

Problem Statement2

Purpose of the Study3

Research Question3

Aims and Objectives3


Security Threats Arising from Mobile Commerce4


Data Collection7



Outline of the Study

This research will consist of five sections including Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, and Conclusion. At the end of these sections, references will be presented. The first chapter will be the Introduction. The Introduction section will present a background of the study, purpose of conducting this research, and aims and objectives. The next chapter will be the Literature Review which will present an overview of different studies conducted on the similar topic. The third chapter will present the methodology adopted for this research as well as data collection instruments and sample. The fourth chapter will present the findings of this chapter. The fifth and the last chapter of this research will be the Conclusion.

Background of the Research

E-commerce is a broad term that involves different business processes that take place on the Internet. These business processes involve buying and selling of different products and services. The business transactions, over the Internet, take place in different types of markets including B2B and B2C. In business-to-business markets, business transactions are carried out between different businesses. On the other side, in business-to-consumer markets, business transactions take place between businesses and consumers. The Internet as well as other forms of telecommunication has become very common in day-to-day living. The popularity of these advancements increased in the 1990s. In the year 2005, there were as many as 964 million Internet users as well as 2,168 million users of mobile phones all over the world. The expansion of the advanced technology has increased the number of opportunities available to businesses. In the current technological environment, there are several ways of conducting trade and exchanges (Gianluigi, 2005, pp. 442).

Mobile commerce is an expansion of Internet commerce. Mobile commerce has resulted in the emergence of new services for both businesses and consumers. Mobile devices allow individuals to access different modified services. The most frequently used services in mobile commerce involve downloading and GPS services (Niu, Zhao & Zou, 2009, pp. 448).

When discussing mobile commerce, it is important to identify different security issues associated with this technology. There are different security issues which are associated with the use of mobile commerce. In order to make mobile commerce safer for consumers as well as businesses, it is important to overcome different security issues. In order to increase the acceptance of mobile commerce, it is important to ensure the safety of all kinds of mobile commerce transactions (Koller, 2000, pp. 25).

Problem Statement

Mobile commerce is used for conducting different business transactions involving the sales of products and services. Mobile commerce has now become a widely used medium in order to conduct different financial transactions. According to Ericsson, major players in the industry of mobile payment, by 2015, the market of mobile payment would yield a profit of approximately 20 billion ...
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