The E-business Strategy3
Business-to-Consumer model4
Kiosk and Portal4
Website metrics4
Addressing customer issues and concerns5
(CIS 500) Assignment (The Broadway Cafe: E-Business)
In order to increase the viability of the Broadway Cafe, the Management has concluded to have an online presence. The Cafe's website will primarily be used for marketing activities. The Broadway Cafe website would provide updated products and store information. The site must also provide customer service and feedbacks from customers, employees and business partners. Suppliers would be able to access the inventory via the website to replenish stocks. Customers will have the ability to establish a user profile, and also search for products and store information under their profile. A section of the website will cater only to the needs of the employees. The Cafe will implement the strictest privacy and security policies. In order for the Cafe's E-Commerce to be a successful experience, it must have an effective e-business strategy.
The E-business Strategy
The plan is to form a 'Click-and-mortar business' a version of the Business-to-Consumer model, (B2C), there would be a physical and internet presence. The online section of sales will be linked to the mobile and delivery sections of the Cafe. The strategy involves an extranet establishment so that the Broadway customers, suppliers and business partners would have the option to logon via the website, execute orders and track relevant (including shipping) information. Now customers can put in orders for baked products anytime of the day or night, of every day. Due to the convenience the website provides, it is expected that mail orders will increase, which adds up to increase sales. The Cafe will measure its E-business success with the use of effectiveness website metrics. By observing through Click stream data customer's (activities) behaviors and pattern can be determined and ...