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Case Study on Embedded Quality at Zarlink Semiconductor

Case Study on Embedded Quality at Zarlink Semiconductor

Question 1) Which type(s) of research strategy is Mick employing?

Mick employed a structured strategy of research. So far, he has followed the proper steps in the research process. All research begins with a structured approach. It was wise of him to choose a topic that would help him cover his job assignment as well as the dissertation. Mick started off by shortening the broad topic on quality to a smaller more focussed topic where he wanted to focus on only one aspect of the topic. When he looked for literature, he found that the literature is not very supportive (Saunders 2007, p. 1). This was based on the belief that not everything in literature can be applied to the practical world. Every organization is different and although the fundamental principles suggested in the theory hold true for most of the organizations, there is always a need for customization (Badke 2011, p. 36).

Mick began with Literature review based on which he developed the research question and research objectives. He then discusses the data collection strategy with his tutor and concluded that a triangular approach to data collection would help him garner data that will be both valid in the eyes of his assessors and well applicable in the eyes of his employers or senior management (Ketchen 2011, p. 259).

The data was collected using the interviews and questionnaire methods. He conducted interviews with management and got questionnaires filled from the employees at Swindon, Zarlink where he had to make necessary changes to begin the embedding of quality (Saunders 2007, p. 1). Mick believed that quality does not have to be a set of steps that you can take to bring about necessary changes. Instead, it is an organization wide change where quality is maintained at every stage of the organization and in every function of the organization. Despite the job description, each member of the organization should contribute in their own way to improve quality of the organization. This should be a change in attitude rather than a change in organizational activities. This is true in that a change or improvement in quality cannot be brought by formulating a set of rules. A change can be brought only if every single person in the organization understands the importance of bringing about a positive change in quality improvement.

Question 2) In what other ways could Mick have used the literature to refine his research question?

Mick could have used the literature in many other ways. For instance, he could have adopted a case study approach to research where he could have found literature on organizations that were similar to Zarlink (Saunders 2007, p. 1). He could have studied what were the quality control and management practices in these organizations. This would have given him a better idea of where the problem might be pertaining to quality at Zarlink and what are the areas that need ...
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