Research methods are crucial for carrying out research on any topic or in any discipline as conducting research would in finding/discovering new facts and identify the area where change/improvement is required. Like any other discipline, research is also crucial in the hospitality and tourism industry, as research helps managers/owners to prepare profitable business strategies for their business. It is due to research, that managers in hospitality and tourism industry begin to focus on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, employee retention, service quality and several other factors. (Brotherton, 2003; pp. 45-49) This study aims to discuss the research methods widely practiced in hospitality and tourism industry for exploring new dynamics regarding the field. Hospitality and tourism management are considered as a mixture of management and social sciences and hence employee the same research methods that are currently practiced in the management and social science. This paper will help managers, who are willing to pursue research in hospitality and tourism as this paper will discuss and critically evaluate certain research methods in hospitality and tourism managers. First of all this study would present a general research process, and the necessary ingredients to show the flow of research, before discussing various methods of research in hospitality and tourism.
Research Process Practiced in Hospitality and Tourism
The following research process would primarily highlights the way in which a research could be carried out. This plan is a general guide and may vary depending on the nature of the study, in hospitality and tourism.
First Step: Topic Selection
Blind man cannot cross the road by himself because he does not know the direction. This statement also applies to research. A research cannot be carried out without setting any particular direction, as selecting a topic provides a pathway to carryout research. Topic selection is the first and one of the most significant parts of the research which offer guidance in the process of research. A researcher first of all selects the topic on which s/he carries out research. Although, there is a room for adjustment in the topic till the review of literature, for instance, “service quality and customer retention” the topic is vague, and there are no specific directions set for it. While reviewing the existing literature, which may provide a more specific angle that has not been given much importance in the past by the researchers the topic title can be adjusted like “to what extent service quality in the hospitality industry impacts the retention rate of customer.”
Second Step: Review of Existing Literature
It is always better to learn from the experience of others that is what researchers should do in this section. Researchers review all the existing literature relevant to the selected topic in order to broaden their vision regarding any particular topic. This will also help researchers in designing the methods for carrying out research.
Third Step: Selection of Method
After finalizing the topic and reviewing existing literature, a researcher designs the process of data ...