Research Methods

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Research Methods

Research Methods

Type of Research Undertaken

The research was based on secondary data collection. The data will be extracted from various internet articles. In secondary research data will be extracted from various journals, books and articles. Qualitative research will be used for proposed study. Qualitative research is more subjective as compared to quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned this study will choose the secondary method. The theme of this type of research will be investigative along with open-ended.

This type of research is often less expensive than outlines and is extremely effective by acquiring information. It is often the method of choice in the examples where quantitative measurement is not required.

Validity and Reliability of Research

The criteria of selection for the literature will be relevance to the research topic and the year of publication. Both public and private libraries as well as online libraries will be visited to access the data. Some of the online databases that will be accessed are ebsco, questia, emerald, phoenix and so on. (Mosteller, 2002: 235)


Validity assesses whether the meaning and interpretation of an event is sound or whether a particular measure is an accurate reflection of intent. The validity of data needs to be carefully checked. Checking validity could also include returning draft reports to respondents for accuracy checks, considering opposing explanations for the issue or question, and conducting multiple observations of the same event. The researcher can also enhance respondent validity by asking the participants to check their interpretations of the information provided or observed. Reliability

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure, score, or test. Reliability occurs more often in statistical quantitative studies and less frequently in qualitative studies. Since the world of research with human subjects is not perfect, researchers developed a number of techniques for estimating reliability or the degree of error in measurement. Assessing reliability can be through stability, which relates to the extent to which repeated administration of the instrument produces the same results (Creswell, 2003, 122).

Ethical Problems

Researcher is fully aware of the ethical issues involved in this work. Responsibility for all procedures and ethical issues related to the project rests with the principal investigators. Research will be conducted in such a way that the integrity of the research enterprise will be maintained? and negative after-effects which might diminish the potential for future research ...
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