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Is There Belief In God Today

Is There Belief In God Today


An individual of whom has no affiliation to a certain religion such as the Catholic faith willonly judge if not seek information as to how the religion came about, and what the religion trulyrepresents. Catholic religion is a monotheistic based religion. Individuals in this religion do havea belief in God and the Bible which is only based on the source of God's holy words. Individualsin the Catholic faith seem to be very devoted. Finding someone to speak of the religion was notan easy task, but, in the end there were many individuals who was willing to give an insight onthe inside of the religion. Not all questions were answered, but enough was covered that I wasable to make a beginning in writing this paper. I planted myself downtown Baltimore at the StJude's shrine located on Greene Street near the University of Maryland Hospital and Medicalschool. Observing the comings and goings of parishioners as they are called, trafficking to thechurch seem to be on the hour . After a good while the traffic of the parishioners seem tohave died, but at this time the nerve was not well built up to interrupt the parishioners goings andcomings as they seem to be on a lunch break from work or elsewhere. Without starting theinterview with someone, the conclusion was that people of the Catholic faith holds the practicesvery sacred to themselves.

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious denomination of Christianity with overone billion members. It claims that it is both organizationally and doctrinally the originalChristian Church, founded by Jesus Christ. It also claims unbroken Apostolic Succession fromSt. Peter and the other Apostles. It is both the largest and the oldest continuously operatinginstitution in existence (Catholism).

Once the traffic died down, a few steps was taken inside the church, and yes indeed, therewere many interesting things. A place was designated neatly with holy water, and a fewparishioners make collection of some of the holy water in whatever container they possessedwith him or, her at the time. Feelings of greater interest in the faith were getting more eager,while watching the parishioners pray in silence . One member was leaving, the courage wasnow built up to ask a few moments of his time ,as he did not seem to be on a lunch break from ajob or ,in a rush. Introduction was made to the individual also stating the purpose and cause forbeen in the church. Surprisingly, the gentleman was very nice and was willing and able to spenda few moments in answering what needed to be beforehand the gentleman stated that there arecertain questions one must not ask a catholic, with all due respect, his conditions was accepted,and he was advised on how brief the questionnaire will be and that all will be general questions.

First question to the gentle was, made him become a Catholic. His response was that he wasraised in the religion. He gave a brief history of his family traditions in the ...
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