Research Design

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Research Design

Research Design

Part I

Theoretical Framework

Building a theoretical framework is a dynamic process and its final form will be provided depending on the objective. However, it has begun with the literature review. In recent years, the economy of throughout the world has been in the search for new forms and methods of management of the economy, as the changing political and economic situation of the previous methods cannot produce the desired results. Before the science and practice of the task, using the experience gained control abroad, successfully proven ideas and models of domestic governance, and to create new and effective methods (Ball, 2003). One such method is an organizational development as a form of applied research activities aimed at improving the efficiency of any organization by improving the climate, business culture, and other parameters of life of people in the organization.

Organizational development (OD) focuses mainly human and social aspects of organizations and examines organizational behavior, human action aimed at achieving the goals. Organizational development is defined as long-term work to improve processes to solve problems and updating the organization through more effective co-regulation of the postulates of cultural organizations - with special attention to the culture within the formal working groups - with the help of agents of change - applying the theory and technology of applied behavioral science, including research action (Brown & Kelly, 2006).

Main Characteristics of Organizational Development

The main characteristics of organizational development:

Emphasis on group and organizational processes;

Emphasis on work teams as a learning environment more effective models of organizational behavior;

Emphasis on the joint management team working culture and the culture of the whole system

Attention to the systemic ramifications;

Use action research model;

Involvement of scientists - specialists in the behavioral sciences (as agents of change);

Look at work to change as an ongoing process.

Process of Organizational Development

Organizational development, as a rule, is a long process, because: First, the organizational problems are varied and complex. Simultaneous interference will not be able to solve them, in most cases, the client cannot be taught to cope with them in a short time; second, changes must affect the informal subsystem of the organization, in particular, the organizational culture of the client system, and its changes in the short run, ineffective (Joffe, 2002). Based on these characteristics, the process of organizational development usually implies involvement to develop specialized PR programs of external consultants and the interaction of the PR-consultants (change agents) and the client system. Probably, most of the differences between the RR-programs and other programs are based on improving the role and behavior consultants in relation to this system. PR consultants are looking for and maintain collaborative relationships with members of the equality of the organization (Margaret & Bruton, 2010). The consultants did not do their job while the client is passively waiting for resolution of their problems. On the other hand, the client does not work as a consultant observes without any interest. All the time the consultant and the client interact productively, so that both parties ...
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