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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Psychology Psychology Introduction The study of the nature of human mind has been going around for at least 2,500 years. Human mind is the topic that has been widely and deeply speculated and contemplated. It dates back as early as the times of ancient Greece when Plato wrote the Menno. Aristotle and Hippocrates ...
Strategy Map
Strategy Map Abstract This research paper entails the strategy map for the organization that has terminated their employees due to the economic crisis. The paper has reported detailed strategies that organization should undertake to complete its present quota. It has analyzed four imperative perspectives of balance scorecard to formulate a strategy map ...
Cognitive Behavior Theory And Family Theory
Cognitive Behavior Theory and Family Theory Cognitive Behavior Theory and Family Theory Introduction Developed over nearly five decades by Albert Bandura, social cognitive theory focused on the mutual interaction of behavior, cognitive, and other personal aspects, and environmental impact on human behavior derived from observation and subjected to repeated tests within many areas ...
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Introduction Domestic violence is violence within the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children. It is well documented ...
Implicit And Explicit Discrimination Attitudes
Implicit and explicit discrimination attitudes [Date of submission] Abstract Discrimination either implicit or explicit has been the main reason for social conflicts and social instability in the past but now the main concern is the financial stability which is the main reason of social instability. Discrimination means to insult someone either inherently or ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Of Veterans That Commit Suicide
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veterans that Commit Suicide Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veterans that Commit Suicide Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a chronic, long lasting sentimental response to a hurting happening that harshly deteriorates a person's existence. This disorder is activated by the traumatic or violent incidences that generally are beyond ...
Personality Abstract This research paper aims to describe the term personality in detail. Moreover, it also describes the elements of theories along with the famous theories of personality. The paper also covers the methods of assessing a personality, factors influencing personality development and the causes of personality disorders in detail. Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction4 Discussion5 Elements ...
Effects Of Divorce On Children’s Development
Effects of Divorce on Children's Development Effects of Divorce on Children's Development Introduction What does divorce mean for children? Divorce means “the break-up of a family,” negative effects and for some, the biggest loss of a loved one in their lives. Raising a child could be very challenging for a single individual. ...
The Effects Of Parental Conflict And Divorce On Children’s Development
The Effects of Parental Conflict and Divorce on Children's Development The Effects of Parental Conflict and Divorce on Children's Development Introduction Parents and child is a unified whole in which mom and dad are the basis for the psychological development of the child. Unfortunately, sometimes parents do not realize what a ...
Effect Of Mass Incarceration On African-American Men
Effect of Mass Incarceration on African-American Men Effect of Mass Incarceration on African-American Men Introduction The very specific sense of race as a state principle of social division and vision which the U.S. has invented, almost unique in the world for its consequentiality and rigidity, is a direct consequence of the clash between ...
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