Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence


Domestic violence is violence within the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children. It is well documented that the presence of violence against women in a household or society corresponds with an increased likelihood that children are also victims of violence, either directly or indirectly, through witnessing violence against women (Berg, 56).

Domestic violence is any action or mission starring the members who comprise the group family, this can be by marriage, blood or affiliation and transformed into aggressors relations between them causing damage to physical, psychological, sexual, economic or social one or several of them. This abuse can be specified as: physical acts that threaten or attack the person's body such as slaps, pushes, kicks, punches, etc.


Psychological Attitudes have intended to cause fear, controlling behavior, intimidation, thoughts and feelings of the person who is being targeted as the insults, controls, etc. The term domestic violence comes from the gender violence or gender based violence, widespread expression following the Congress on Women held in Beijing in 1995 under the auspices of the UN. With the rise of the studies feminists in the sixties of the twentieth century, was first used in Anglo-Saxon the word gender to mean “sex of a human being”, from the specific viewpoint of the social and cultural, as opposed to biological ones, between men and women.

Sexual imposition acts of nature sex against the will of the other person. Such as exposure to unwanted sexual activity, or manipulation through sex. There are several types of violence and the most effective violence is psychological and family violence.

Psychological violence

Psychological violence, also known as emotional violence is a form of abuse, so it is in a category within the domestic violence. The intention brings psychological violence is humiliating, upsetting and insecure a person, deteriorating its own value. Differs from physical abuse because it is subtle and is much more difficult to perceive or detect it. It manifests itself through harsh words, insults, humiliation, shouts and insults. This disorder can have bases in the infancy of people when carrying out the lack of attention from parents or relatives, and domestic violence. The problems that have been reported because of domestic violence include trauma symptoms, temperament problems, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, repetitive play, avoidance, dissociative states, regressive behaviours, hyper-vigilance, eating disorders, personality disorders, hyper- sexuality, and delinquency (Gale 2008).

Psychophysical effects are those that produce mental or physical changes in a single act. Psychics refer to the devaluation, low self-esteem and emotional stress caused by the tensions that abuse occurs; employees produce such a decline in their performance work since the difficult emotional stress concentration, as physicists are manifested in the form of bruises, open wounds, fractures, burns, etc. In the sexual act is also present when violence occurs by force, causing personality changes and changes in relationships ...
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