Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Of Veterans That Commit Suicide

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veterans that Commit Suicide

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder of Veterans that Commit Suicide


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a chronic, long lasting sentimental response to a hurting happening that harshly deteriorates a person's existence. This disorder is activated by the traumatic or violent incidences that generally are beyond the customary extent of the experience of the human being such as a war or a combat. Few facts show that the PTSD is more likely triggered by those events that take on behaviors that are destructive and planned such as a rape or a murder, and those which are of long extent or physically demanding and may include accidents, sexual attacks, military fights, natural catastrophes for example earthquakes or sudden demise of individual who is near to heart. It is categorized as a disorder of anxiety due to its symptoms. However, all painful experiences do not cause PTSD. This stress disorder majorly influences the veterans or the soldiers who have been a part of any prolong war or a combat. They might be unable to cope with the continuous flash backs and hurting memories that ultimately leads them to commit suicide. This attempt of committing suicide is a serious issue for veterans. The veteran is less liable to get any treatment care and is more probable to successfully act upon the thoughts of suicide. This paper will discuss the post traumatic stress disorders which leads to suicide amongst the veterans. This paper will also design a suicidal prevention plan to reduce the rate of suicides among the veterans.


Following are the aims of this research study:

To study about the disorder of stress that occurs after a persistent traumatic event or a war.

To find out those reasons that promotes the veterans to attempt suicide.

Determining the elements that can decrease the suicidal thoughts amongst the veterans.

Designing a prevention plan or program to reduce suicide attempts in war veterans with PTSD.

Background and Significance

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety problem. This can happen after your safety or life is threatened, or after you go through a traumatic experience or see. Some examples of traumatic events are natural disasters, rape, a serious car crash or fighting in a war. Usually, the event makes you feel very afraid or helpless. People with PTSD have trouble coping with and recovering from traumatic effects and often feels the effects for months after they occur. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) consists of three clusters of interrelated symptoms: re-experiencing, avoidance/numbing, and hyperarousal (Hendin & Haas, 2001). These symptoms develop after an individual experiences a traumatic event. Traumatic events involve actual or threatened death or injury or a threat to an individual's physical integrity. Traumatic events can include events that one actually experienced or events that one witnessed. Examples of traumatic events include physical or sexual assault and abuse, combat, natural disasters, terrorism, and serious illness (Bullman & Kang, 2005). According to the criteria for PTSD set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ...