Performance Management

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Performance Management


Good performance management systems can have a significant impact upon the operations and success of any organization. The broad objectives of this article are to identify the problematic areas in the company and identify ways to improve staff performance, employee motivation and involvement. At the individual level—staff perceived more motivation and that their competencies at work increased. At the team level—staff perceived that there was an improvement in team effort. At the corporate level—the findings suggest that improved corporate performance is linked to improved individual and team level processes.

Table of Content


Performance Management5

Employee Motivation8

Empowering Employees10

Employee Involvement10

Empowerment and Delegation11

Theoretical Framework12



Performance Management


It is recognised that human resource management of considerable importance in the management of organizations. The competitive advantage of an organization depends on how well its human resources are managed. Performance can be considered an outcome of both organizational and human activities. The objective of this dissertation was to apply these theories in practice, using C.I.T as a case study.

What it aimed to do is to analyse the corporate performance of C.I.T, identify the problem areas, and to find ways to rectify the identified problems which, in the C.I.T case, were employee motivation, employee involvement and teamwork. The type and manifestation of problems vary from one organization to another. Therefore, methods used to study and suggest solutions to these problems also differ from one organization to another. C.I.T`s corporate performance when it first took over from Pasupat was not at all impressive. There was no unity among staff members and there was a high rate of staff turn-over. Staff performance was rather poor or sub-standard. CIT stakeholders were not satisfied with the corporate performance because its revenue was not high as it should be (Armstrong, 1994, 31).

The researcher, as the Managing Director of the company, took this opportunity to apply the knowledge he learnt from the course, to identify the problem areas, strategically initiated ODI activities based on information other authors wrote in this field, and analyse the results of the ODI he implemented. It was expected that the ODI activities would improve staff performance, resulting in improved corporate performance which would satisfy CIT stakeholders and shareholders.

Performance Management

The competitive advantage of an organization in a global economy depends primarily on how well its human resources are managed. Of course, the financial, technological, and other material resources are undoubtedly also critical to the organization's success in the competitive global market, but these resources are generated by the industrious and creative efforts of people, and it is their ingenuity that also ensures that these resources are effectively deployed. Hence, the importance of the human resources function is increasingly being recognized.

Developments in human resource management techniques and practices to promote work motivation particularly through performance management, work design, reward systems, employee supervision, and organization development and change strategies, have enabled organizations to create conditions which foster, promote, support, and reinforce employee effectiveness. These techniques and practices give organizations the competitive edge both in the short and long term, as well ...
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