People, Organisations And Management

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People, Organisations and Management

People, Organisations and Management

Seminar Preparation Sheet 1

Seminar Week Number:


Seminar Title:

Motivation to work: what motivates?

My reading in preparation for this seminar was:

Des, D. (1999) What motivates us to work? The Times London [Online]. Available from (Accessed on May 12, 2013)

Summary (approximately 150 words):

This article is about the things or different aspects that motivate people to go to workplace and work effectively. The writer asserts that the companies need to look beyond promotions or monetary incentives as the principle way of motivating employees at the workplace. The article accounts the findings of the investigation regarding the factors that motivates and manipulates employees' approaches towards their careers and employers. The writer maintains that different people have different rationales which serve as a motivation to get out of their bed every morning heading towards their workplaces. For some people, it is the desire to identify and excel in their career path whereas for other people it is much more practical. The writer also emphasize in this article that other than the official written contract with the employees, the psychological contract holds an important position in making the employees remain committed to the organization.

My critical reflection (approximately 50 words):

This article appears to me to be of interest because of the different unconventional factors that the writer has pointed out for the motivation of people to work. These factors are important to comprehend and acknowledge as they have significant implications for the organisations and the employers.

Seminar Preparation Sheet 2

Seminar Week Number:


Seminar Title:

Work motivation and job design

My reading in preparation for this seminar was:

Giancola, L. F. (2011) Examining the job itself as a source of employee motivation. Compensation & Benefits Review, volume 43 Issue 01, pp. 23-29 [Online]. Available from (Accessed on May 12, 2013)

Summary (approximately 150 words)

This article predominantly talks about the significance of the design of job as a source of motivation for the employees. The writer says in his article that organisations and the people who are responsible for designing the job and job description performs their task keeping in mind only the concern that the job design is adequate to get the employee perform his duty efficiently. They forego the importance of job design as a source of motivation and inspiration for the employee to work. The article gives a push to the organisations and employers to think about the motivational significance of the job ...
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