Introduction To Organisations And Management

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Introduction to Organisations and Management

Introduction to Organisations and Management


In this paper organizational design and structure of Watsons Engine Components and H & M Consulting will be analyzed and their approach towards leadership and management will be discussed in detail. This paper analyzes culture of two above mention firms and different issues related to their management as these firms have great differences in overall structure compare to each other.

The economic globalization is a fact accepted by all, however the advances in computing and communications, the economic growth of the so-called emerging economies has spectacular emergence on the global economic landscape. The relative scarcity of certain natural resources, the change in the geopolitical landscape and the integration of the former socialist bloc countries into the global economy, the proliferation of free trade, competitiveness in costs and prices, among others, have been factors that have influenced the strengthening of globalization as a phenomenon apparently novel and no single firm can ignore these factors. In the case of Watsons Engine Components and H & M Consulting, H & M Consulting is fulfilling the requirements of today's business need but Watsons Engine Components lacks in many areas.


The H & M Consulting has the business strategy to remain in the market by increasing its market share or penetrate new markets because the level of competition tends to increase. This is an objective fact, so that competition does not provide differentiation and is present in varying degrees, but always present in all sectors so that nothing and no one is immune from its effects. While competition is a determinant of good work and functions as a mechanism of natural selection in the business environment, no longer a threat from the individual standpoint, i.e. from the perspective and position of the employer. However, Watsons Engine Components have to perceive the quality of market dynamics and competition, often lack the capacity to establish the internal constraints of the organization and the actions to take, especially in the face immediate future. (Rodgers, 2004, 27-39)

The complexity of management, the tension of competition, the problems associated with low profitability or the lack of liquidity, or even the euphoria of good growth rates and profitability, do not allow Watsons Engine Components to spend time to examine where are the weaknesses of the organization, perhaps even imposed by the not always perceptible influence of the environment into the organization. (Chorn, 2001, p. 31-35)

With respect to the organizations under discussion, consider that in the same way it is very difficult for two humans are quite alike, the same goes for businesses. A company does not necessarily like another even if framed in the same sector and employ the same production technology and even similar production structure. There will always be differentiating factors, not only in the technical-productive, but also in the social order in terms of composition of the labour force, level of ownership and motivation, skill level, relationship with managers, etc. Similarly there are differences of quantitative nature, with respect to number of ...
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