Organizational Communication

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Organizational Communication

Organizational Communication


Communication is the transfer of thoughts and feelings from one person to another. The idea behind communication is to deliver information from one person to another. There are a number of techniques that are present for effective communication; however, there also are certain barriers which hinder the effective communication. The essay will provide some techniques for effective communication, as well as, some barriers that come in way of effective communication. The communication with regards to this case is mainly through the use of letters that are addressed to the editor on the various topics. Throughout the course of this paper, we would look to analyze the different communication modes in order to give a true picture of each communication mode. In addition, we would look to ascertain the nature of communication being followed and thus discuss its pros and cons according to the requirements of the situation (New Zealand Herald, 2013).


America's Cup: Racing postponed after Oracle victory

The communication is basically refers to the Oracle Cup which is held annually and attracts contenders from all around the world. The audience for the article comprises of fans of the sport who watch the Oracle Cup on a regular basis. The case under study reveals that formal communication has been adopted in the different communication modes. The following conditions are essential in the case of formal communication and thus it is essential to discuss such things. To the author Robbins, "the channels differ in relation to the ability to convey information". Because of this, it is necessary to the understanding that nothing convey a message if it is not understood by the receiver. For that communication flows in all directions in the organization, there needs to be a balance between formal and informal networks. The so-called formal networks are vertical and follow the hierarchy of the organization. Informal networks run in either direction, passing, often above the levels of the hierarchy (Waikato Times, 2013).

Most of the time, the formal network is viewed with concern by professionals, while the informal network is in the background. However, we need to understand and take care of the informal network, as it is for her that the expressions and feelings of internal public are manifested. Formal communication is communication addressed through the existing channels of communication in the organization chart of the company is derived from senior management. The message is transmitted and received within the formal channels established by the company in its organizational structure. It's basically the communication conveyed by the formal structure of the company, being almost all made in writing and documented through correspondence or forms.

Three key questions: Team NZ showing nerves?

This particular article basically revolves around three questions. They are:

Whether the abandonment of the race must rally be amazing and frustrating as

Whether team showed any signs of nerves

Whether Oracle will be able to manage a victory or

This article reaffirms the strategy of the team is solid and that positive results will be seen as a result ...
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