Motivation And Communication

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Motivation and Communication

Motivation and Communication


In today's society that claims to be the most modern, organizations that claim to be profit making firms, need to focus on motivation. It is a psychological factor that drives the employees or an individual to move in face of a set target. Motivation is what encourages employees or individuals to do what they do. It encourages them and makes them feel good about what they do. In organizations, the performance of the employees is largely influenced by motivation. However, issues that are related with motivation are not addressed that easily, unlike other short comings that can be addressed and coped up with making changes in the environment and offering training courses. Motivation is essential because of the significance it has as an important determinant of employee performance at a workplace.

Communication is the key for any business function to execute properly. In today's world of business, it is said to be an important parameter in the maintenance, change and construction of an organization. There is an immense importance of the communication structure, when it comes to achieving greater member loyalty, (Clagett and Brown, 1964).

In our discussion we will be focusing on motivation and communication. We will be exploring the two and see what significant role they play on the individuals and the employees working in organization.



Communication plays a vital role in our development as humans as it is besides being a part of our preceding experiences, an important part of those gained daily. As humans we consider ourselves as relationship beings, therefore the awareness of this leads us for searching further more understandings of the principles, concepts and the skills needed during this process of communication, (Telhado, 2000). Communication is the most basic form of activity that enables all the living creatures to send and receive messages. Communication is like lifeblood.

Irrespective of the organizations, communication is an essential element that sustains and maintains relationships. Organizations are systems; therefore communication can have an impact which can be meaningful on the entire system. An individual's communication with the co workers and supervisors can be a major determining factor on his satisfaction level. Communication is a process, indicating that it is dynamic and agile. Communication changes in the organizational environment, as individuals change.

Individuals communicate to in order to gain the compliance of the other people in their surroundings, and in our case, the organization. These way communications help individuals engage other people behave in the manner they want them to, (Richmond et al 2005). In organizations communication is all about persuasion and delivering ideas, coupled with reporting daily tasks. All in all, individuals communicate to gain understanding. Communication helps in gaining information which is needed to understand the changes in the organizations.

Communication serves various functions in an organization. The informative function plays a role of providing the necessary information to the employees so that they can efficiently perform their tasks. If there are any changes in the organization, these changes are informed ...
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