Motivation is, in a living organism, the component or process that regulates its commitment to a specific activity. It determines the trigger in a certain direction with the desired intensity and ensures the extension to the completion or termination. This is distinct from the dynamism, energy or being active. Usually manifested by the deployment of energy (in various aspects such as enthusiasm, diligence, perseverance), motivation is trivially treated as a "reserve power”. But more than a form of "potential energy, motivation is an instance of integration and regulation of a multitude of parameters relating to the opportunities of an environment and demands of a situation Also the role of motivation is it proportional to the degree of ambiguity and ambivalence of the situation: it must dissipate the complexity and even confusion of data and give them different values before drawing a conclusion in terms of behavior: the choice and investment in the preferred direction. "There is nothing more unfathomable than the system of motivations behind our actions."
The question regarding the motivation emerges mainly in situations where its role is needed primarily internal deliberation that is to say, above all when the organization is facing any dimension of competition, priority or hierarchy to emerge to enable action. From this point of view, although the problems are not equivalent, two types of competition can be identified: Competition psychological 'individual expectations, for example, choose between action and repose; Situations where collective - the same demands - the individual motivations are the differentiating factor of conduits: learning, competitions, activities, collective, etc.
Theories of Buyer Motivation
Over the years we have dedicated much effort and time in investigating human motivation, which has meant that society has developed as we know it today. Naturally Marketing expert has used the results of this research to understand the process of human motivation, and above all, why a buyer comes to meeting their needs by purchasing a product. From the standpoint of the director of a company, the study of human motivation is very important to know how the staff at work, effectiveness, efficiency, cooperation with the firm and its development. (Baumeister 1994)
Maslow developed his theory of self-realization through a study of human behavior and showed that motivation stems from unmet needs and is cyclical, also established a category of five needs: physiological needs, safety, social belonging, self ...