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Q1) Discuss the extent to which segmentation theory helps a company when developing its marketing strategy? Which segmentation bases would be most helpful to companies operating in the breakfast cereal market?

Market division is the science of the total market share in a subset of key customers, or segments, whose members have similar characteristics and needs. Since this leads to significant market research, market segregation can be expensive. Market segmentation allows small businesses to develop and market products to meet the relatively uniform across the market. By concentrating resources on specific customers in this way, a small company can be able to carve out a niche market that can serve well than its biggest rivals.

Segmentation Bases

There are three main areas of study tire separation descriptive and behavioral databases, and the basics and benefits of each character is composed of many potential customers.

Descriptive bases for market segmentation include a variety of factors that describe the demographic and geographic situation of the customers in a market.

Bases for behavioral segmentation includes medals behavioral factors directly related to the purchase of certain consumer goods such as brand loyalty that is necessary for the course of product use and substitution, and willingness to purchase services at a given time.

Businesses hope that market segment based on the recognition that it is mainly for the benefit of consumers looking to buy a particular product, then provide the product to provide such services. The approach is based on the idea of segmentation is mainly due to watch different segments of the market benefits to consumers of products, rather than because of differences among various other consumers.

Breakfast Cereals Market Segmentation Bases

Breakfast cereals are often a meal in the morning. It is sold for every age, in exchange for a heavy meal before the start of the day. This is a ready-made foods are often mixed with milk and some sugar to improve taste. In addition, breakfast cereals are very popular for children at that time. This is because whole grains these days, especially for children, they are specially prepared with different flavors and are usually designed with the advertised figures. This will promote the program activities for children to enjoy their food and eating. Cereals are usually served with fresh milk.

Younger Kellogg's breakfast cereals main objective, it's especially for children. That is why with their sugar as the main ingredient. Quickly, they came to produce new mascots. Their mascots: Tony the Tiger, Trix Rabbit and Rice Krispies elves. A production of cereal for breakfast early and continued improvement at various companies.

Q2) How does advertising differ from public relations? Using examples, demonstrate how it might be possible to integrate these two elements of the communications mix?

Both industries differ even though they're usually puzzled like being one and the same. The following properties just scrape the surface of the various differentiations between advertising and public relations.

Promotional mix elements are integrated into a coherent campaign, as with all forms of ...
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