Considers the idea of linking decisions on business strategy, product market characteristics and personnel/human resource management policies. Initially explores some theoretical aspects of business strategy-personnel policy linkages and then considers some empirical evidence from a survey of Irish organizations. While some of personnel literature suggests that organizations should adapt particular “best practice” modes in each personnel area, it is increasingly accepted that optimal personnel policy choice is linked to the unique characteristics of the individual organization. Consequently, argues that organizations need to achieve a fit between personnel policy choice and broader strategic considerations, particularly product market conditions and business strategy. However, the Irish survey evidence considered presents quite a mixed picture. While some organizations appear to be successfully aligning HR policies and business strategy this development does not seem widespread.
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents3
1. Introduction4
2. Strategic Management4
2.1. The Search for Competitive Advantage5
3. Business Strategy and Personnel/Human Resource Policies8
3.1. The Changing Nature of Organizational Contexts13
3.2. The Influence of the Product Market15
4. Business Strategy and Personnel/Human Resource Policy: Some Empirical Evidence17
4.1. Strategic Involvement of the Personnel/HR Function22
4.2. Communications26
4.3. A Model of Strategic Management34
5. Summary and Conclusion38
Human Resource Strategy
1. Introduction
ACME Global
On April 1, 2010- History.
ACME Pharma Inc. develops and markets pharmaceuticals, which provide the promise of a healthier life to people across the world. As a global pharmaceutical company ACME is determined to be the 'Leading Innovator.' This corporate message is directly reflected in ACME' business philosophy, which is to “Contribute towards improving the health of people around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products.”
Raison d'être
“Contribute toward improving the health of people around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products.”
To go beyond all others in exploring and tapping the potential of the life sciences.
To continue tackling new challenges and creating innovative pharmaceutical products.
To deliver quality products along with accurate information and retain solid credibility among customers.
To support healthy living for people around the world.
To continue shining on the global pharmaceutical field.
Our “beliefs” provide the code of conduct we prize at all times.
ACME will always be a group of people who act upon these beliefs.
Aims for Employees
Remuneration based on role and performance
Job satisfaction, opportunity for personal growth
Outcomes from Employees
Bring value added contributions
Be a source of sustainable competitive advantage
ACME Europe
ACME employs approximately 30,000 people in Europe across sales and marketing, Research & Development (R&D) and manufacturing. ACME has 39 Sales and Marketing Affiliates, three plants and one R&D site.
ACME Europe is headquartered just outside Frankfurt.
ACME is focused on four key therapy areas:
ACME Ireland
ACME Ireland Company Ltd has two manufacturing plants (one in Belfast and one in Cork) and a Marketing Affiliate. In ACME Ireland we are fully committed to the Mission, Raison D'être and Beliefs of the ACME Global and seek to be exemplars of the ACME Culture.
As we move forward in a challenging and highly competitive global environment the success and future security of our manufacturing plants will depend upon being exemplars of the ACME Culture and creating local behavioral patterns ...