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Dissertation on Marketing

Marketing encompasses a serious of activities that a company adopts to place its goods or service in the hands of potential customers. Many students study marketing as a subject to learn various strategies of marketing. Students who are doing PhD in marketing are asked to submit marketing dissertations. Researchomatic, with the help of qualified research professional has prepared various marketing dissertations that will help you in writing your own.

Fast Food Chain
FAST FOOD CHAIN American Fast Food in the Chinese Market- A Cross Cultural Perspective - The Case of KFC and Burger King ABSTRACT The technological boom and the advent of globalisation have transformed the contemporary business world to such an extent that now no organisation can deny the advantage of implementing cross culture ...
Portuguese Airline Brand And Their Marketing Strategy And, How Their Image Is Important For The Customers
Portuguese Airline Brand and their Marketing Strategy and, how their Image is Important for the Customers By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my supervisor for supporting me throughout my project and giving his valuable suggestions. Finally thanks to all my friends and family for their utmost support and inspiration. DECLARATION I, (Your ...
What Are Factors That Make Customer Loyalty On Iphone In Bangkok, Thailand?
What are factors that make customer loyalty on iPhone in Bangkok, Thailand? Table of Contents CHAPTER 01: INTRODUCTION3 The Concept of Customer Experience3 Purpose of the Study4 Contribution of the Research4 Research Questions5 Structure of the Research5 Chapter 1: Introduction5 Chapter 2: Literature Review5 Chapter 03: Methodology6 Chapter 04: Findings6 Chapter 05: Conclusion6 Limitations of the Research6 CHAPTER 02: LITERATURE REVIEW8 Theoretical Perspective8 Brand Loyalty12 Smartphone Brand ...
What Factors Affect Customer Loyalty For Iphone In Bangkok, Thailand?
What factors affect customer loyalty for iPhone in Bangkok, Thailand? By Acknowledgment I wish to thank several people. I would like to thank my friends, my classmates, and my supervisor who have been very supportive. The support and direction offered by them have made this thesis possible. Declaration I declare the following: The content ...
Portuguese Airline Brand And Their Marketing Strategy And, How Their Image Is Important For The Customers
Portuguese Airline Brand and their Marketing Strategy and, how their Image is Important for the Customers By TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1 Background1 Theoretical framework2 Problem Statement3 Aim and Objectives of the study4 Research questions4 Organization of the Study5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW6 What influences brand value?6 Measuring the value of a brand7 Airline as service7 Service equality8 Passenger satisfaction9 REFERENCES10 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Background When a ...
A Comparative Study On The Consumer's Preference Towards Purchasing Online Branded Jewellery And Retail Branded Jewellery
A comparative study on the consumer's preference towards purchasing online branded jewellery and retail branded jewellery By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], ...
How A Company Can Establish And Maintain A Competitive Advantage By Taking A Business Online And Using Digital Marketing And Search Engine Optimization Techniques
How a company can establish and maintain a competitive advantage by taking a business online and using digital marketing and search engine optimization techniques By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, ...
A Comparative Study On The Consumer's Preference Towards Purchasing Online Branded Jewellery And Retail Branded Jewellery
A comparative study on the consumer's preference towards purchasing online branded jewellery and retail branded jewellery By TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1 Background of the Study1 Significance of the study2 Aims and Objectives of the study3 Research Questions3 Scope of the Study4 Justification of the study4 Contributions of the Study5 Overview of Jewellery Companies to be compared5 Dissertation Structure6 CHAPTER 3: MARKETING ...
Marketing Research And Advertising In Uk Retailing Sector: Case Study Analysis
Marketing Research and Advertising in UK Retailing Sector: Case Study Analysis By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would not have been able to complete this research without the unstinted and continuous support and help of my family, friends and teachers. DECLARATION I did this work to the best of my ability, and I confirm that this dissertation ...
A Critical Investigation Of Lanson Place Hotel Hong Kong Use Of Social Media To Help Manage Public Relation
A critical investigation of Lanson place Hotel Hong Kong use of social media to help manage public relation ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, (Your name), assure that all the matter of this report is my work unless specifically referred and given proper credit. I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to my ...
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