Managing Communications, Knowledge & Information

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Managing Communications, Knowledge & Information

Managing Information, Knowledge, and Communications


In the assignment we are give a task to manage different sources and technology used within the path of business success. In any organization there are some fundamental tasks, which directly affect other activities of the organization. These are three basic factors known as the Information, Knowledge and adopting appropriate path of the communication within and out side of the organization. Every organization adopts several methods of communication and managing information for employees and stakeholders. ERP systems are the basic system that most of the big companies go for. Enterprise Resource Planning is a mixture of technology and software that helps to manage all the data base of the organization and collect all the required knowledge and communicate necessary tasks within the company.

Effective, smooth and flawless communication brings most of the benefits to the organization and support help to manage all the business with more efficiency and affectivity. Some of the organizations adopt proper professional ways such as memos and letters to the dependents. Given assignment is divided into two main parts. In the first part task is related to a business which is in initial stage and we have to start up the business. In the second task there is analysis of the case study that related with the organizational communication. In the modern world, every company emphasizes on the modes of communication, knowledge and information. Without having proper system of managing these factors, it is very difficult for the company survives and succeeds in the business world. This paper would provide the knowledge to the readers and the students regarding the significance and importance or communication in the organization and ways to manage it.

Part One- Report (Business Start Up)

Required Decisions, Information and Knowledge (P! and P2)

In the start up of business the main task other than the selection of key people for the organization and decision to be made for the company. in this stage the company may have to take critical decision for the sake of company. The main task of the higher authorities is to take the decision for the rights persons of the company to run further business, proper structure and framework for the company, proper vision and mission, build strategies for the management and prepare plan, legal matters, and setting the financial aspects of the company (Benjamin & McDowall, pp. 22, 2010).

In this business the decision are various and many question are there that need to be answered. First task is to choose the structure of the company that is to build on online or on brick and mortar. Both the choices are usually taken in the globe, however, both have own benefits and disadvantages. In this case, I have chosen typical brick and mortar because it has presently on the physical presentation. The customers have the chance to check and visit the outlook store and will offer several choices with checking the fabric ...
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