Communication, Information & Knowledge

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Managing Communications, Information & Knowledge (MCKI).

Managing Communications, Information & Knowledge (MCKI)

Portfolio worksheet 1

For this assignment that is about managing communication, information, & knowledge, the organisation that has been chosen is Tesco Plc, which is amongst one of the greatest organisations of United Kingdom and also well recognised due to its splendid communication and knowledge management systems in the world.

1a. Identify and describe the use of internal and external, primary and secondary, formal and informal information.

Any organisation either big or small cannot operate any of its function without proper and effective communication and information sharing. For this purpose, some distinct reporting interfaces and channels exist, within an organised process for ensuring that all the appropriate knowledge and information of the organisational processes are appropriately conveyed to or accessible to every employee in an effective manner.

There are various types of information that are needed to communicate appropriately within an organisation, such as internal and external; primary and secondary; and formal and informal information. Internal communication is the information that is related to overall organisational levels, e.g. staff involved in the designing, implementation, and deliverance of any organisational information; and staff involved in any changes and arrangements within the organisation. External communication is related to all the aspects of organisational processes that may be in relation with the organisation but indirectly, e.g. customers, contractors/suppliers, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders. A primary source of information refers to as any first-hand knowledge that had not been used previously by anyone, such as interviews, letters, speeches, poetry, and autobiographies etc. A secondary source of information is the information that has been analysed and interpreted, and not recognized as first-hand or fresh knowledge. Formal information is the information that has been presented and collected in an organised manner, whereas, informal information is not in managed and organised form (Rocheleau, 2006, p.n.d).

1b. How does your chosen organisation benefit in good decision making with the help of right information? Could you give an example?

In Tesco, the flow of information is top down and bottom up which means that it flows through middle management to top management or departments of managing Directors, and comprised of all the relevant data and information of each department or component. Through this process when the information reaches upward, then the final decisions are taken at top level. After that, the decision is communicated downwards so that it could be implemented. In short, each department is liable of making or diverting appropriate decision and also implementing the decision in the organisation.

For example: If the Tesco's financial department keeps tracking of sales records of worth 2 billion, but in reality it was only 1 billion then it will be regarded as a big mistake through which the inappropriate information will be communicated to other concerned departments as well. Wrongly communicated information has the potential to lead an organisation directly towards failure.

1c. Could you make any recommendations for improvement?

Some of the recommendations for the improvement of information and communication management ...
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