Managing Communication

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Managing Communication

Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information

Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information


Communication, information and knowledge form the key of the implementation of strategic plans that predominantly forms the base of the mission and vision guiding any company or even small business/ organisation. However, it is seen that usually communication network, information processing and sharing in addition to the knowledge management practices that are adopted by any particular organisation are not strong, as significant efforts are not put into it. This primarily occurs as a result of organisations not attributing significant value to the factors under consideration, oblivious of the fact that they are the chief facilitator towards the realisation of organisational aims and objectives. The specifics are not highlighted as it should have been so as to make the communication process and relevant procedures clear to each and every one. This directly impacts the decision making process as the information, that is important to be used for any particular decision to be taken effectively, is not highlighted since the specifics are not clear as also mentioned above. Right source so as to have credible information could only lead towards sound decision making and it is for this purpose that information processing, knowledge management processes and communication networks are vital to be designed through putting in due diligence. Thus regular or periodic reviews coupled with continuous development and improvement processes are essential for all the systems to remain upgraded thereby in turn contributing to the efforts effectively for the organisation to remain in its optimal condition. Considering the loopholes, this assignment aims to comprehend improved practices that could be employed in the domains of communication, networking, information and knowledge management, through focusing on the relevant dynamics of a small political activists' organisation along with its inefficiencies in the inherent communication framework.


Communication plan is seen to be essentially absent in the small political activist's organisation that is under consideration, which is seen to be the root cause of the diverse issues facing volunteers; primary issue among which is relevant to the assigning of the projects to the volunteers. The communication framework has been identified to be ineffective however; it is also the volunteer supervisor who has attached little or no importance to the process of communication in the organisation. Being involved in more than one project at a time, the supervisor was unable to leverage even that ineffective communication process that was implemented within the organisation to derive organisational operational efficiency. This context in which it is apparent that the volunteers relied on the supervisor for their project to be communicated to them and their task to be assigned to them, communication model being followed appears to be the top down communication process. With the top down communication process being implemented in any organization, it becomes more of a responsibility of the supervisor to look into the matters of assigning the task or the project in a timely manner, as in or else scenario, the employees lose their commitment to the organizational mission ...
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