Management Articles

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Management Articles

Management Articles

Management Articles

Summary (Clarke Article)

Understanding the purpose and strategy of cooperation was previously studied in the literature. This is in addition to other levels of strategy, including its business, social and functional. The idea was first presented as a collective strategy, as a general strategy for meta-strategy or cooperation. Development strategy common and collective implementation of intervention activities by members and sharing strategies for adopting the strategy of association, consist of a mission and a meta-goal. Cooperative strategy can be defined as one of defining the vision and objectives for long term cooperation to solve social problems, which together with the adoption of two years of organizing and collective action. This includes the efforts of two organizations working separately (e.g., level of organization) and general (e.g., level of cooperation) in relation to their economic cooperation, thereby involving the joint efforts of partners. Although recent studies have opted for long-term strategy of cooperation in terms of organizational strategy that balances environmental value, social and monetary union, this study is an original concept. In some models in the literature strategic management process includes the creation of partnerships and alliances between organizations representing the collective work together to formulate a strategic plan for cooperation and implementation of joint analysis of tactics and organization. Although there are models of processes for the formation and management (Clarke, 2010).

Summary (Tobin Article)

The first time in the 80 years of the last century in the US, a very important and significant breakthroughs have taken place in the fields of business leadership and management through education. Until that time, leadership has always been the prerogative of the ruling classes. For example, there was an order: if a person had finished university, he received a personal (inheritable) nobility, even it the school was a top-notch university. So the minorities and lower classes were not allowed to let their kids in high school and universities to seek educaiotn. But in the 80 years there has been change in the sense that education is not the prerogative of the ruling class, and compulsory for all. However, if you look at the modern education system, you'll see that there is a class approach that still remains. In every country there are two or three social classes, depending on the size of the country, privileged schools, and getting there is difficult. The second is that the organizational and managerial work has become popular. It is also very important. And therefore rely on the spontaneous formation and isolation of individuals and departments, unorganized system of training in personal example has become impossible. These two things come together like: on the one hand - increasing the number of organizers, leaders and managers, on the other - to change the purpose, function and meaning of education for secondary and tertiary classes. And when it's all intertwined, at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries sharply raised the question of professionalism: is it possible to supervise, manage the business, not knowing or not knowing about the ...
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