Management Articles

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Management Articles

Management Articles


The paper discusses three management articles. It discusses the implication and theoretical perspective of these articles in relation to the topic discussed.

Article 1: Organizational Change and Managerial Implications

According to the theoretical perspective or reorganization, diversified management environment requires companies to adopt reorganization perpetually to remain competitive. The technological and global evolution force companies to alter their business practices to the current trends in order to survive. This change may be major or minor, but how it is implemented is a significant management challenge. For instance, the stand of installing new employee payroll software or a shift of the latest marketing strategy required managerial shrewdness and participation from all the organizational departments. According to the author, many people consider reorganization as the inability to perform effectively due to continual change, however, the long- term effects of this reorganization cannot be avoided. For these people, the process shifts the organization's focus from product development and customer support to implementing the change.

The article highlights the managerial implications that arise due to the decision of reorganization. The responsibility of manager's increase, reporting authorities become significant, and the performance evaluations get frequent. After the relaxation in the global trade barriers, new competitors emerge and the substitute precuts become quickly available. These trends exert pressures on the management to undertake the strategic decision that are in favor of the organization in the long ruin. It is required to establish a corporate culture that allows the company to promote organizational change as the core managerial philosophy.

The article refers to the visionary organizations that intelligently respond to the factors which can bring an effective change. The political and economic changes, management policies, and varying consumer demands are always active to brush aside the traditional organizations. Similarly, successful organizations keep their basic philosophy intact because if the management is to meet the challenges of a changing world, it should be prepared to change the practices expect its basic beliefs, as it moves through corporate life. The management uses an integration methodology to ensure that the organization positively respond to the changing environment to keep itself from getting extinct (Kaiser, 2004)

Article 2: Inability to Delegate: A Barrier to Effective Management

In team management context, every individual has several personal behaviors which hold them back. Some are not able to motivate their teams, some lack the management and leadership skills, while others do not want to undertake authority. One of the behavioral barriers in management is the inability to delegate. Effective delegation is the art of getting things done by others. It is greater than simply assigning tasks, but it involves typing an individual to some degree of responsibility and discretion. It is important to empower the groups sufficiently so that they can undertake their work decisions (McQuillan, 2003).

Effective delegation is one of the significant issues that most managers face. These barriers significantly affect the team's performance. Several impacts according to the article are mentioned below.

The teams become ambiguous about their task if they are not clear ...
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