Leadership Management

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Leadership Management

Leadership Management

Commitment to Leadership Mentoring or Executive Coaching

D7.02 (Self Assessment) Critically reviews own abilities to perform effectively as a leadership mentor and executive coach

Leadership implies the kind of abilities and skills individuals tend to display with reference to the problems and situations associated in the area of research shall make way for the purpose and objective of creating the best and most effective outcomes in any area or field of expertise.

If we skim through the pages of history, one would be able to analyze the kind of mentors and leaders which have existed in the world, leaving behind their ideology and reputation for all the rest of the individuals to inspire or even adopt in order to establish and register themselves with the people (Argote, McEvily & Reagans, 2003, pp.571).

While some have become spiritual leaders and left their trace in the world for the good of human beings and to bring peace (Mother Teresa), others have become the torch-bearers of bringing entire human generations and souls to the realms of torture and death (Adolph Hitler). With a variety of styles and areas now prevalent in the area of research, it becomes relatively easier for individuals to make way for the purpose and objective of creating outcomes, which would give some form of inspiration known to us (Bush & Glover, 2004, p. 19).

As a person, performing my skills and rendering my abilities at a leadership level, I personally tend to relate my traits with that of an autocratic note. This is because while it has been repeatedly discussed and analyzed that participation is key in all areas of business, either internally or externally, autocracy, in my case, tends to yield results, which were far more than the results which were expected with adopting participation and collaboration in my area of work (Arvey et.al., 2006, pp.1).

Team members and colleagues usually tend to critic my styles of communication and the kind of thought processes that I have. But, according to my point of view, if the work is being delivered, with the company gaining the maximum benefit and the respect and rapport being maintained by the people, I prefer continuing at my own pace and achieving targets which are being given to me and my team (Bush & Glover, 2004, p. 19).

D7.02.1 :- Own ethical and moral values, beliefs, attitudes and personal integrity and assess their effect on own and others' behaviour in the leadership mentoring or executive coaching relationship are critically reviewed

The reason I chose a more authorative style is because the patriarchial gathering and surrounding that I live has forced to adopt a more strict, rigid and firm approach in the midst of people management (Foti & Hauenstein, 2007, pp. 347).

This is because being a woman, you have to take care of the kind of problems and situations associated in the area of business. In addition to this, added pressures of long-term production and sustainability tend to hamper and hinder the kind of ...
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