Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

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Leadership and Management


Leadership is the ability of a person to deal with the circumstances, occurred in the processes with the strength to manage the people by conducting such behaviour, which seems inspiring for all. Leader is not the boss but the personality which enables you to follow him. The quality to lead others makes the person different. Sometimes the quality is God given and sometimes it is developed through certain methods. The leaders understand them well and know what they can do. The inspiring capability of the leader determines his capability to work as the one who make people to understand him. Leader understands the overall strategies going on and makes people understand how to work on them. The person who has the quality of leadership is not the stagnant one; the trait enables him to pursue growth at every moment. Leaders seek improvement in every work they do. They know when to communicate and when to motivate their followers (Dombkowski, 2001, pp. 527-545).

The purpose of this paper is to discuss role of a leader or a manger in a nursery. Nursery is type of setting where there are a number of children. The environment established in a nursery help children to develop their personalities, skills and perceptions. Therefore it is very important on the end of a manger to ensure that children in a nursery are provided with such a productive environment. In planning to develop a nursery it is important to consider the size, resources and staff needed for the institution. It should also be considered that children in a nursery are provided with structured educational schemes. The nursery consists of ten classrooms for children furnished with every facility for children which help in their cognitive and motor development. The staff will consist of twenty teachers and instructors for the classrooms and five other for the administrative and secretarial purposes, making a total of twenty five employees in the staff.

Leadership and Manger

Leaders have followers who are inspired by them while Managers have subordinates who have to obey them. The inspiring factor is missing. Leaders with their charismatic power makes people to follow them while by obeying manager people knows that they will get some reward(e.g. salary) while Leaders make people believe that the followers will not only get the rewards but the personality development as well (Lindon, 2012, pp. 225-227). Usually leaders seek change by leading people while managers seek stability by managing work. Leaders are on long term basis as they have vision, they are pro active with excitement for work while managers are on short term basis as they have objectives, and they are reactive. Now if we look at the similarities we would find that both are goal oriented that is both are aiming to achieve the goal, both assemble and make the most of the resources. Management and leadership both involve supervisory functions, both works with people.

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