Leadership and Management of Change
Leadership and Management of Change
Health care is continually undergoing change. Change plays a dominant role in any enterprise. The dramatic and rapid changes occurring in health care present many challenges and opportunities for hospital managers as they deal with a culturally diverse society. Leadership style is an important consideration for a health care environment that promotes culturally appropriate care. Providing effective health care services for a population involves a great deal of teamwork among health care workers and managers.
The pace and complexity of change in health and social care is considerable. In these chaotic times, leaders must be able to tolerate ambiguity, respond rapidly and flexibly to change, and develop strategic and political awareness in the development and improvement of service delivery. Traditional line management structures are disappearing, and hierarchal command and control management styles are no longer considered effective. Professional lines of demarcation are shifting and increasingly practitioners from health and social care have to work more collaboratively to solve complex service problems.
Good leadership is important for the success of any organization. In a healthcare organization, good leadership is more than just important—it is absolutely critical to the organization's success. Lack of good management and leadership can lead to various difficulties, the difficulties like lack of communications, poor quality of services and lack of motivation within staff, the problems highlighted are results of the management style. Managers have to perform many roles in an organisation, and how they handle various situation will depend on their style of managements. This paper is about the Leadership and Management of Change at NHS.
Definition of Management
Managing is an increasingly important activity in today's society, managers are constantly needed to plan, organise, direct, and control operations to ensure that organisation accomplished their goals, because management is not a closed system, all managers deal and interact with different environments- economic, technological, social, political, and legal and ethical- in which they operate. Despite the aforementioned differences, all managerial job shares certain features, to discover these features, let's examine some of the more recent definition of management.
According to Terry and Rue cited in Ernest Dake (2001:p3) manager is defined as “A process or form of work that involves the guidance and direction of a group of people toward organisational goals or objectives” whilst Johnson and Stinson (2001:p5) say that “management is the process of working with through other people to accomplish organisational goals”. In this expanded form, this definition means several things, first as a manager there are certain activities that one must perform regardless of manager role, these functions are called “Function of management”, which are known as; planning, organising, staffing, motivating and controlling. Two essential processes are involved in all these five managerial function: Decision making and communication.
Thus, management refers to the development of bureaucracy that drives its importance from the need for strategic planning, co-ordination, directing and controlling of large and complex decision - making ...