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Research Papers on Law

Law relates to issues which may occur within or outside a state and the provision of unbiased justice to all. The field is a complex one which needs to be understood on basis of a number of analytical tools and discussions. Researchomatic provides a range of law research papers which address different legal interactions. These research papers give narrative accounts on the application of different laws in different settings.

Victimless Crimes
Victimless Crimes Victimless Crimes Introduction Victimless crimes are those crimes that are illegal, but, there is no identifiable victim. Victimless crimes can fall into a number of categories, including crimes without a clear victim, moral crimes, crimes against the state, or activities where the victim and the perpetrator could be considered the same ...
Effective Interrogation Techniques
Effective Interrogation Techniques Effective Interrogation Techniques by Law Enforcement Officers Introduction An effective interrogation is regarded as a process of questioning by suspects and police executives regarding any involvement in the criminal activity for that the investigation is compulsory. The process of interrogation will involve a law enforcement officer who accused ...
Whistle Blowing
WHISTLE BLOWING Whistle Blowing Whistle Blowing Introduction The number of whistle blowing activities in the United States of America and elsewhere has increased evidently in the recent years. Apart from the Cynthia Cooper and Sherron Watkins (whistleblowers at WorldCom and Enron, respectively), there has been an increase in the exposure of current potential wrongdoings ...
Unethical And Conflicting Practices At Wal-Mart
UNETHICAL AND CONFLICTING PRACTICES AT WAL-MART Unethical and Conflicting Practices at Wal-Mart Unethical and Conflicting Practices at Wal-Mart Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest retailer of the world. In fact, it can be said that it is the largest corporation on planet. In the year, the annual sales of the Wal-Mart exceeded a staggering ...
Quantitative Methods In Criminology
QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN CRIMINOLOGY Research Proposal: Quantitative Methods In Criminology Abstract Since its beginning as an area of scientific inquiry, criminal justice and criminology investigators and researchers have employed quantitative data to explain and describe social responses to criminal behavior and criminal behavior itself. While other kinds of data have also ...
Sasha Spesivtsev Trial
SASHA SPESIVTSEV TRIAL Sasha (Alexander) Spesivtsev Trial Sasha (Alexander) Spesivtsev Trial Introduction Alexander Spesivtsev also known as Sasha Spesivtsev, a twenty seven year old man took upon himself the responsibility of eradicating the children he thought were detrimental to the society. He was convicted of killing 19 street children, whom he lured into ...
Planned Change Program
PLANNED CHANGE PROGRAM Planned Change Program Planned Change Program Part one: Program For Female Reentry A. Mission statement or goal - why we exist? Objectives in the program: The Objectives in the re-entry program is to facilitate Females For Reentry In the community. Other objectives in this program is also to provide opportunity for Re-entry ...
Crime Control In The United States Of America
Crime Control in the United States of America Abstract This paper looks into the sentencing aspect of the criminal justice system and tries to understand if they help in deterring crime. Crime control policy in the United States of America Introduction Crime is currently one of the most concerning global issue. Crime which ...
War Crimes
WAR CRIMES War Crimes in Egypt War Crimes in Egypt Thesis Statement “Egypt has often acted as a mediator in regional disputes, hosting peace summits and overseeing negotiations between warring factions.” Introduction War crimes are the violations of laws and humanitarian conduct in time of war like abuse, torture or murder of POWs and civilians. ...
Gangs And Kids
GANGS AND KIDS Gangs and Kids in the Community Gangs and Kids in the Community Introduction The term gang has its origin in the United States in the early twentieth century, starting from 1910 onwards. Social crimes, mafia and the rise of gangsters all come within the umbrella of crimes. The issue ...
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