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Research Papers on Law

Law relates to issues which may occur within or outside a state and the provision of unbiased justice to all. The field is a complex one which needs to be understood on basis of a number of analytical tools and discussions. Researchomatic provides a range of law research papers which address different legal interactions. These research papers give narrative accounts on the application of different laws in different settings.

Juvenile Fire Setting
JUVENILE FIRE SETTING Criminal Behavioral Assessment of Arsonists, Pyromaniacs, and Multiple Fire setters: The Burning Question Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of Juvenile Fire Setting in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Juveniles and its relation with Fire Setting. The research also ...
Legalized Commercial Gambling In Maryland State
Legalized Commercial Gambling In Maryland State Introduction In United States, Gambling is legally restricted. However gambling is not illegal in every state since its participation and availability is increasing. From last few years, gambling is generating huge revenues. In United States commercial casinos are run and established by private companies on non ...
Juvenile Delinquency
JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile Delinquency The Family Dynamics Affecting Juvenile Delinquency Introduction The role of the family as a social institution is essentially to prepare children for adulthood. To accomplish this task, the family is comprised of values and norms and different statuses and roles, all of which are devoted to achieving the goals ...
Absolute Victims
ABSOLUTE VICTIMS Crimes Where There Are Absolute Victims [Institution's Name] Crimes Where There Are Absolute Victims Introduction This research paper explores the topic of absolute victims of crime, particularly justice for those children who have been victims of molestation. Three different theories of justice are analyzed, reviewed regarding their outcomes and a best ...
Criminal Justice Future
CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUTURE Visions for Change Crime and Justice in the 25th Century [Course] [Name of Instructor] [Date of Submission] Table of Contents Introduction1 Chapter 1: The Future of Criminal Justice: Today and Tomorrow2 Part II: Technology in the Criminal Justice System3 Part III Crime Challenges in the Twenty-First Century3 Part IV: Issues in Policing7 Part V: Law8 Part VI: Corrections8 Part ...
Abstract It is true that the emotions evoked by the spectacle of martyrdom seem all but identical with the pity and terror of the tragic catastrophe, but they really differ intrinsically in their natures and effects. The former, inspiring us with feelings of tumultuous protest against the cruelty and injustice of ...
Constitution And Republicanism
CONSTITUTION AND REPUBLICANISM The Framers of the Constitution and Republicanism The Framers of the Constitution and Republicanism Introduction The Constitution is the law outlined in the United States. It is a framework that provides the country a guideline on how to work. The powers of the President, Supreme Court and every organization of the ...
Capital Punishment
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital Punishment for Juvenile Offenders Capital Punishment for Juvenile Offenders Introduction The capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the killing of a person ordered by a court following a conviction. There are countries where an individual expects the capital punishment for crimes considered serious, like murder and treason, while ...
Women’s Prison Culture
WOMEN'S PRISON CULTURE The Women's Prison Culture and its Impact on Recidivism Abstract In this study, we try to explore the concept of “Women's Prison Culture” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on women's prison culture and its impact on recidivism. The research also analyzes many aspects ...
Gun Control
Gun Control Gun Control Introduction Guns and ammunition are not a sociological problem. Rather, it is entirely psychological. Many individuals are of the belief that if guns are banned, not only will it make the world safer; it will surely rid the world of crime. Unfortunately, such is not the case. Criminals ...
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