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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Admiralty Law
Admiralty Law Admiralty Law Overview of the Case In the given case, an oil tanker named “MV Rustbucket” was on its way to Rotterdam, Netherlands from Saudi Arabia. It was registered in Ruritania. During the course of its journey, around nine miles off the cost of Cymru, it collided with another containership named ...
Rule Of Law In Uk
Rule of Law in UK Rule of Law in UK Introduction There are many ways to define rule of law. If one has to define the phrase in layman's terms, the rule of law implies equality, that regardless of political, cultural, ethnic, and financial background and position in the society, law is to ...
Law - Legal Issues
LAW - LEGAL ISSUES LAW - LEGAL ISSUES LAW - LEGAL ISSUES Introduction Human resource management is regarded as the heart and blood of the organization. Every company faces issues regarded human resource; those who value talented human resource are the winners in contemporary society. This assignment is based on a case which ...
Government Support Services
Government Support Services “Government Support Services (5.22)” Abstract Providing support services to the governmental organizations or institutions is a challenge bound with responsibility and commitment (Barber, 2012). Individual contractors or companies that provide such services are meant to be well equipped and should have a clear understanding of their job requirements. Operating and ...
Business Law
BUSINESS LAW Business Law Business Law Introduction In this paper, we are discussing some cases with reference to business law. There are four different cases which require to be solved by applying the proper law. In order to provide solution to these case, we have to identify what business law is. Business Law Business ...
Reparation Law
Reparation Law Reparation Law Introduction The British law provides a detailed framework for the legal relationship between the organizational entity and its various stakeholders. The business entity has a very wide span of influence, and its organizational activities impact various diverse groups of people. Although majority of the organizations themselves have to ...
Credit Agreement
CREDIT AGREEMENT Credit Agreement Questions Credit Agreement Questions Question Scenario A Sam and his girlfriend are shopping in town. Sam wants to buy some nice clothes for his girlfriend. They enter the shop Zara, at the counter Sam finds out his bill is 370 pounds sterling. He has a Current Account credit ...
Domestic Violence In Women
Domestic Violence in Women Domestic Violence on Women Introduction Social work and community development is an important field with respect to growth and development of the country and its economy but research shows that there has been very little work and research done in this area especially in case of European region and ...
Ethical Responsibility Of The Auditors
ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUDITORS Ethical Responsibility of the Auditors Ethical Responsibility of the Auditors Introduction Every profession demands ethical responsibility from the people involved in it. Ethics is a code of conduct or behaviour that needs to be followed in order to fulfil the principles of the profession. Auditing is an expertise field ...
New Zealand’s Contracts
NEW ZEALAND'S CONTRACTS New Zealand's contracts New Zealand's contracts Topic 1 Lump Sum contract A contract that involves a fixed total price for a clearly defined product. The fixed price contracts may also include incentives for those who meet or exceed certain selected project objectives such as schedule compliance targets. The simplest form ...
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