Domestic Violence In Women

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Domestic Violence in Women

Domestic Violence on Women


Social work and community development is an important field with respect to growth and development of the country and its economy but research shows that there has been very little work and research done in this area especially in case of European region and countries (Erath & Littlechild, 2010). Researchers must undertake more and more issues to increase economic efficiency of the nation by reducing the finances spent in dealing with the social costs associated with such issues. Domestic violence of women is one such social issue and it has been suggested that every fifth crime in the long unlimited list of crimes is the result of long term relationship between a couple and every fourth women who is a part of a relationship goes through this phase or experience of domestic violence at least once in their lifetime. This problem has worsened to such an extent that around 150 people have been reported to end up in the hospitals or lose their lives at the hands of their partners. Such incidents have been reported to have adverse affects on the children and traumatize them for the rest of their lives. This culture of domestic violence is passed on from one generation to another in this manner by affecting the children in a negative manner (Walby, 2004, pp. 7). The main aim of this report is to study and analyze the research report with regards to the domestic violence on women and undertake critical analysis as to why the research in this area is required and what advantage and benefits the country can provide to its population especially female. This research provides for an in depth insight in the psychological aspect and reasoning with regards to domestic violence involving women.


Critical Analysis of Research

This reports aims at defining the actual meaning of domestic violence by giving the definition of Home Office which states that 'Any violence between current and former partners in an intimate relationship, wherever and whenever the violence occurs. The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse' (Home Office, 2003, pp.6). According to above mentioned definition, home office has included only violence between intimate partners as domestic violence and thus kept it restricted to intimate relationships only. In the is article the researchers has based their hypotheses and research on the statement of psychologists namely Wilson and Daly who are of the viewpoint that domestic violence of women varies with their age and ability to reproduce. It was suggested that chances of domestic violence are less in aging women in comparison to those who are young and reproductive. To sum it up they were evolutionary psychologists and suggested that men feel satisfied and see domestic violence as a control over female sexuality and a means to avoid any type of unfaithful attitude on the part of their female partners. Feminist theorists were the ones who made the problem of domestic violence from private to public and also played an important role ...
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