Knowledge Integration

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Knowledge Integration

Knowledge Integration

Issue 1: Ethics and Legal Environment

The case is about the Sansa Stark who is a Senior Vice President at Iron Throne Industries. She started out as an assistant project facilitator and has been working in the company for a decade. The performance of Sansa has been to Outstanding from Very Good after performance evaluation. The company has faced increased in revenue in several projects under the leadership of Sansa. Jofferey was a competing candidate for the Senior Vice President that Sansa has achieved from her performance. Jofferey had a casual drunk chat with Jon Snow, an old fellow of Sansa, and got to know that she had not completed her MBA. Jofferey talked about Daenerys, HR representative, about Sansa that she has not completed her MBA yet.

According to the current policies of ITI, MBA was the requirement for the post of Senior Vice President, which was not the necessary requirement for assistant project facilitator. However, some of the current Senior VPs, who assumed the position prior to the MBA requirement, do not have MBAs. Now it is a challenge for Human Resource department to handle this situation.

This situation can be handled by using the “right-right” framework proposed by Joseph Badaracco. Badaracco believes that there are many right decisions to a single problem. The decisions chosen by the manager demonstrates the value of the company and the leadership. It is not an easy task for the manager to perform “right against right” choices (Badaracco, 1997). For this reason Joseph Badaracco has created a simple framework to provide managers for answers to tough problems. However, decisions will not become easier for a manager by following his advice, though it will surely help manager to understand and explain the problems, and may provide reasons to the chosen option for a problem.

The right-right decision framework can be helpful for the manager by asking four questions.

What are the possible consequences can be suffered by dealing a problem in different ways for everyone who is going to be suffered by it?

Who are those people involved in the scenario whose rights will have to be put into consideration that has to be respected? Individuals have the right to know the truth. Investors have a complete right to get a good return, and so on. It is obligated for every individual to act upon the laws and regulations, and individuals have a right to be expecting corporate managers to follow it.

This question is about how the leader going to communicate the values of the company and values of his/her own. This is the most critical stage where individuals are looking at the case intimately, and the leader is conveying his characteristic through his messages and the kind of character his organization holds.

The last question about the right-right decision framework where the leader has to act practically in the situation (Badaracco, 1997). The manager has to carry up consequences of the situation, and settle on rights. The manager has to think about his character as ...
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