Internal Quality Assurance

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Internal Quality Assurance

Internal Quality Assurance

Internal Quality Assurance and its role in assessment in the field of nursing

Task 1 1.1 What is the purpose of internal quality assurance in learning and development? Answer 1.1

The quality assurance in nursing plays an effective role. There are two competencies related to quality assurance they are reflective practice and practice review. The reflective practice is the practice that is helpful for a nurse to adapt the changes in the health environment. The aim of nursing is to provide the high quality care of the clients. The practice of nursing is going on an everyday basis. They perform their work differently and they provide high care of nursing quality (Quality Assurance Reflective Practice, pp.1). To achieve the learning outcomes there are certain systems play a vital role in dealing with learning and development process. The internal quality assurance takes place within the system. The system is characterized by the culture of quality. The curriculum is designed through the information and knowledge management system. The distance learning system also caters the quality management system within the organizations. The learning in quality assurance plays a major role in identifying the key areas in the process of assessment as it had a great impact in the field of nursing (Rogers's, 2009, pp.1920).

1.2 What are the key concepts and principles of internal quality assurance of assessment? Answer 1.2

The key concepts of quality assurance depict that they monitor the quality assurance process. In order to maintain the high standard quality of nursing services; there is quality control of external assessment is acknowledged in the field of nursing. There are certain principles of quality assurance that plays a main role in creating the quality of an individual. They system of quality assurance should be easily and effectively administered. It should be understandable to the stakeholders. To achieve the qualification of nursing depends upon the individual capability and assessment criteria as they will fulfill the need for the instructions administered to students. The assessment should be valid and reliable as to cater the student's needs. It is to be noted that the student is to be assessed under the criteria of their qualification. They should carefully assess the candidate as it provides effective support. The quality assurance process is useful in administering the assessment criteria of students. The concepts of quality assurance has widely accepted in the filed of nursing and it develops a great difference while identifying the internal quality assurance process (Quality Assurance Principles, Elements and Criteria, 1998, pp. 8-9).

1.3 Who is involved in internal and external quality assurance and what are their responsibilities? Answer 1.3

The higher education commission is involved in both internal and external quality assurance. The quality and assurance in any institute plays a vital role in judging the quality of an individual. The strategy and institution lead to the enhancement of quality assurance. The review of periodicals and they monitor the awards and program of ...
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