Individual Portfolio And Assessment

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Individual Portfolio and Assessment

Individual Portfolio and Assessment


This paper intends to discuss the upcoming voting of Scotland on whether it wishes to once again become an independent state or not. The voting is scheduled in 2014. There are campaigns for this voting session like any other voting. The two main campaigns are trying to convince people for voting either to make the Scotland an independent state or to let the states be together. This paper will provide a brief analysis of how people will evaluate the campaigning messages, content and creative approaches used to persuade people. The utilization of media in form of digital and traditional will also create an impact over the choices people will make. Finally, the paper will provide recommendations on how these campaigns must be improved in order to make them more effective. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware regarding different aspects of the voting campaigns of the upcoming election related to the independence of Scotland.

Yes! Scotland Campaign

The Yes! Scotland Campaign is related to the referendum of the Scottish Government which is to be conducted in the year 2014. The basic intention of this referendum is to get the opinion or votes of people in relation with the dependency or independence of Scotland. The Yes! Campaign intends to convince people for voting in the favor of independence of Scotland. The Yes! Campaign have been started and bought some of the most inspiring campaigns the voters have ever witnessed. Various underlying reasons have been highlighted within the campaign about why the independence of Scotland is necessary and what would be the underlying benefits for the citizens and the independent state as well (

A whole website has been launched and is working for the purpose of persuading people to vote for independent Scotland. The website is working with the name of and is assumed to be one of the most important aspects of the voting campaign going on with the assumption to engage more people online and persuade them accordingly. Moreover, the various messages are used to persuade audience. For instance, the message that Scotland provides 9.6% of taxes to the United Kingdom while Scotland only receives 9.3% of returns from United Kingdom is the message being used to portray the discrimination Scotland has to face. Similarly, various other messages are used to make the people aware about the discrimination Scotland has been facing while being attached to United Kingdom (Anonymous, 2013 Pp. 1-2).

All these discriminations will be eliminated if Scotland will become an independent state. The content of campaign is basically dependent over the draft bill of 2010 which provides the outline of the proposal to be campaigned for. The designated organization is allowed to spend £750,000 to run the campaign successfully. The campaign includes posting of one neutral information leaflet about the referendum to every Scottish household. Moreover, mails will also be given to every household for making the voters aware about the designated organizations related to ...
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