Human Resources Management And Law

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Human Resources Management and Law

Human Resources Management and Law


This module has focused on the identification of main legislative laws which are associated with the issues in human resource management. Within the United States, there are certain factors which are bounded by legislatives and rules in human resource management. However, this assignment would be highlighting some of the legal issues and laws in the field of HRM.


Human resource management process is significantly shaped and influenced by the federal and state laws and regulations under which the employment issues are governed. It is also the fact that almost all the features of human resource management field, which are recruitment, placement, compensation and development etc. In association with the legislation of HRM, one of the major and most significant factor that influence almost every functional areas comes under the title VII of 1964 The Civil Rights Act and its successive acts, that has also considered the Civil Rights Act of 1991. From another point of view of such acts has taken under consideration that the discrimination against employee and expected recruitment for the cause of color, race, sex, national origin etc (Angela & Hall, 2009). The main aim of the formulation and implementation of legal rules and regulations encourage employees to follow and search for further document and mostly document that are related to fairness practices associated with recruitment, hiring, training, benefits, pay and practically rest of the responsibilities and activities that are directly or indirectly linked with human resource management.

In the year 1964 an act was established that was oriented towards Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in order to implement an act and delivers the civil penalties when anything surrounded by though of discrimination happen. The law of the Equal Employment Opportunity requires employers to pay more attention to drawing ...
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