Human resources (HR) is a department found in every company. The human resources department is typically where a candidate will apply for employment. HR also handles an employees record card, terminations, medical leaves, and many other issues related an employees employment. With new laws and regulations, HR is a department that is always changing in several different aspects.
Human resources can be defined as, individuals within the firm's organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues. (Human resources) At the Walt Disney World Company HR is broken up into several areas. Casting is the place where candidates apply and interview for open positions. Employee Relations deals with terminations, questionable acts of the cast members, and where notations are placed on a cast members record card. There is also the Disney Benefits center. This is where a cast member receives information about health insurance, main gate passes, and employee discounts. Although HR is broken up into several different areas at the Walt Disney World Company, HR at the Ritz-Carlton is broken into two different offices. One office deals with the hiring and posting of open positions while the other office deals with all the other responsibilities.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a planned approach to managing people effectively for performance. It aims to establish a more open, flexible and caring management style so that staff will be motivated, developed and managed in a way that they can give of their best to support departments missions.
Good HRM practices are instrumental in helping achieve departmental objectives and enhance productivity. Nowadays, companies in Hong Kong are investing more money on human research resource, analyst or hiring human resource consultant to find the right people for the job position.
Therefore, Job analyst, specification and selection of people become an important part in the hiring cycle. Moreover, these are now become a vital stage of company development and enhancement.
Human resource management can be separated into different categories: Job analysis, job design, recruitment & selection, and career & succession planning.
Over an over, hiring become a strategic analysis in which the overall strategy (growth, consolidation, diversification, etc), key human resources needed to achieve strategy & workforce characteristics and behaviors required of key human resources are planed & discussed ahead of time.
Attracting the right person
From a manager stand point, hiring is not just about finding a candidate to ill in the job vacancies, but also about how to help company to find the best person to join. As a result, this is a process to increase team efficiency & hence become more productive and leads higher profitability. In fact, it is very costly to have the wrong person in the job and to have to replace them.
The critical factor in assuring manager makes the right employee selection for hiring or promotion or lateral move is the ability to accurately predict the cultural & soft skill fit of the candidates with the job and at the same time, it is the line ...