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Human Resource Issues

Human Resource Issues


With the increase in globalization, the challenges to the organizations around the globe have been increased. It has become a great challenge for the organizations to manage the management operations of the business. The management operations are highly dependent upon the employees of the organization. It is always a great challenge for the organizations to manage its human resources. The performances of human resources have great impact upon the success or failure of the organization. Therefore, in today's era where there is increase in competition among the competitors in the industry, the companies are required to manage their human resources in an adequate manner.

With the increase in globalization, the employers are increasingly hiring the employees who belong to diverse cultures as it is widely considered in today's era that the diverse work force can provide the organizations with the growth and success. The diverse workforce provides the companies with the distinctive ideas and concepts that offer the companies distinctive competitive advantage among the competitors. It is a great challenge for the companies to manage the distinctive workforce. The way the organizations manages the employees directly affects the success of the company. Therefore, the organizations are required to develop the policies in order to successfully manage the employees.

There are many organizations where people from different culture work together for a single organization and perform their different duties and responsibilities in an efficient manner that provide the organizations ultimate success, growth and development. One of the examples of such organizations is the Hilton Hotel in Birmingham, UK. The hotel is of a lavish standard near the Birmingham airport. People from different countries come and stay here to attend the business conferences or for spending the holidays. This gives a great challenge to the management of the hotel as they have to deal will people who belong to different culture and who have different set of attitudes and behaviour. Due to this reason the hotel management has to hire the multi linguistic people who belong to different culture so that the employees can deal with the guest that visits the hotel. The human resources department of the hotel have to deal with multi cultural people and they have to manage their employees by keeping in view the issues in the human resources. The Hilton Hotel in Birmingham also faces certain issues in dealing with its diverse workforce. These issues ...
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