Four Circles Model In Schools

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Four Circles Model in Schools

Four Circles Model in Schools


Providing quality education is the basic aim of every school. The management of the school ensures that the students get to learn a lot and that they are able to build a better future with their education. For this, the curriculum that is designed is done in such a manner which helps the people in understanding as to how they can provide the students with high level learning. For this, they have to make sure that the design that is being implemented is acceptable and will benefit the students in building a better future and career ahead. This paper will discuss the four circle model and will then be applied to my school.


There are different model and designs that help in improving the working of the students and also make sure that they are able to get proper high level learning (MacGregor, 2007). Similarly, the four circle model by Daniel is an example as to how learning can be improved in an educational setting. This model can be better explained with the help of this image:

Want is the first dimension of this model. It helps in explaining as to what the school really wants and also explains that is included in this. For achieving high level learning, the school will make sure that the environment is positive and helps the students and teachers to focus on their learning. Believe is the second dimension of this model. According to this aspect, the school will explain as what influences its beliefs and how it forms them to ensure that there is high level learning. Know is the third dimension of this model. It assists in explaining the different aspects about which the school already possesses knowledge and research has been conducted on these aspects. It also explains the various motivation, teaching and learning elements (Danielson. 2002). Do is the last aspect that helps in explaining as to what policies and programs the school will follow to make sure that its main aims are achieved.

In my school, this model is reflected in bits and pieces i.e. the whole model is not very evident in the practices of the school management. There are areas where there is a lot of room for improvement and the management should be able to work according to the needs of the students, as well as, the teachers. In the first dimension i.e. want; my school has to improve on explaining its main goals and objectives. This will not only help the students and other staff to identify the aims that the school wants them to fulfill, but will also help them in taking steps that will improve the way of working and that will contribute towards the achievement of the school's aim.

In the second dimension, believe, my school needs to identify its different beliefs as it will help the students in working and behaving in the similar manner. There are a set of beliefs that every organization identifies and ensures ...
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