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Dissertation on Finance

Finance is simply defined as the study of money and is related not only to commerce activities but also to effective money management. The subject is both diverse and complicated and writing a dissertation on the same is indeed a challenging task. In order to help students and researchers to better understand the subject, Researchomatic provides a whole range of finance dissertations which will give students utile ideas on how to proceed with their work.

Corporate Governance And Its Possibility Of Application In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia by
Corporate Governance and its possibility of Application in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by CHAPTER # 1: INTRODUCTION1 Background of the Study1 Problem Statement1 Purpose of the Study3 Rationale for the Study3 Research Hypothesis3 Significance of the Study4 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW5 Corporate Governance5 Theoretical Framework for Corporate Governance6 Agency Theory6 Stakeholder Theory7 Preventive Actions for Corporate Governance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia8 Summary9 CHAPTER ...
“benefits Of Cross-Listing On The Example Of Ojsc Rosneft” by
[“Benefits of cross-listing on the example of OJSC Rosneft”] by Acknowledgement I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis ...
Approaching The Pharmaceutical Patent Cliff: How Promoting Different Product Portfolios Of Generic And Branded Companies, Post The Mergers And Acquisitions, Affects The Overall Company Revenue?
Approaching the pharmaceutical patent cliff: How promoting different product portfolios of generic and branded companies, post the mergers and acquisitions, affects the overall company revenue? By Specialism:3 Title:3 Introduction:3 Research Interest:5 Relation to previous research (Theoretical Framework):5 Proposed Methods:10 Reflections:12 Conclusion:14 Timetable:15 References1 Appendices - Some Interview questions:6 Specialism: General MBA Title: Approaching the pharmaceutical patent cliff: How promoting different product portfolios of generic and branded ...
How Will The Impending Basel Iii Regulatory Reform Impact The Uk Investment Banking Sector's Current Focus On Operational Efficiency In Securities Financing by
How Will the Impending Basel III Regulatory Reform Impact the UK Investment Banking Sector's Current Focus On Operational Efficiency in Securities Financing By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of this dissertation would have been impossible without the supervision of certain individuals, I am grateful to all those who have helped throughout by providing their support ...
Payday Loans; An Investigation Into The Requirement For Further Regulation by
[Payday Loans; an Investigation into the Requirement for Further Regulation] by Acknowledgement I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this ...
Analysis Of Results
Analysis of Results [Name of the Institute]Analysis of Results Results for Kenya Dependent Variable: LN_HDI Method: Least Squares 03/14/13 Time: 14:44 Sample (adjusted): 1999 2010 Included observations: 12 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.   C 0.229375 1.838275 0.124777 0.9042 LN_GLP 0.009873 0.059550 0.165787 0.8730 LN_MFI 0.075079 0.080559 0.931976 0.3824 LN_ACTBORR -0.032337 0.120705 -0.267905 0.7965 LN_GDP -0.199687 0.706756 -0.282540 0.7857 R-squared 0.399112     Mean dependent var -0.305501 Adjusted R-squared 0.055747     S.D. dependent var 0.043621 S.E. of regression 0.042388     Akaike info criterion -3.189582 Sum squared resid 0.012577     Schwarz criterion -2.987537 Log likelihood 24.13749     Hannan-Quinn criter. -3.264386 F-statistic 1.162354     Durbin-Watson stat 1.880480 Prob(F-statistic) 0.403113 The first regression results which is a time series regression represent ...
Efficient Market Hypothesis by
Efficient Market Hypothesis By [Date of Submission] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to my family and all my friends who helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude my supervisor Chriss Lees and other staff members including Graham Sadlar and George for ...
Fossil Fuel Subsidy And The Implications For Public Finance In The Sultanate Of Oman
Fossil Fuel Subsidy and the Implications for Public Finance in the Sultanate of Oman By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and ...
How The Implementation Of The Basel Accords Is Changing The Culture Of Nigerian Commercial Banks by
How the Implementation of the Basel Accords is changing the Culture of Nigerian Commercial Banks By Abstract The global financial crisis has resulted in creating significant impact on the governance of banks. It imposed various challenges on the global banking sector and their liquidity position; therefore, it resulted in the need for ...
Efficient Market Hypothesis
Efficient Market Hypothesis By CHAPTER 01: INTRODUCTION1 Background of the Study1 CHAPTER 02: LITERATURE REVIEW3 Introduction3 Efficient Market Hypothesis3 Importance of Efficient Market Hypothesis4 Efficiency of the Capital Markets5 Categorisation of Empirical Tests for Market Efficiency7 Empirical Evidences8 The Weak Form Efficient Market8 Testing the Weak Form of Efficient Market Hypothesis9 Objectives11 Research Question11 REFERENCES13 CHAPTER 01: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study For the past three decades, investors ...
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