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Dissertation on Finance

Finance is simply defined as the study of money and is related not only to commerce activities but also to effective money management. The subject is both diverse and complicated and writing a dissertation on the same is indeed a challenging task. In order to help students and researchers to better understand the subject, Researchomatic provides a whole range of finance dissertations which will give students utile ideas on how to proceed with their work.

The Role Of Derivatives In Managing Risk In Petroleum Industry: Case Study Of Nigerian Petroleum Industry
The Role of Derivatives In Managing Risk In Petroleum Industry: Case Study of Nigerian Petroleum Industry By Contents Working Title3 Background3 Introduction and Rationale3 Purpose of the Study4 Significance of the Study5 Research Aim and Objectives6 Reserach Question6 Literature Review7 Industry Background7 Research Methodology8 Research Design8 Research Philosophy10 Research Instrument14 Case Study Analysis15 Consideration of Rigour16 Consideration of Ethics16 Time Scale16 Gantt chart (Sept 2012 - Nov 2012)16 Resources17 Proposed budget and ...
Relationship Between Accounting Information And Investment Returns
Relationship between Accounting Information and Investment Returns by Abstract The aim of the study is to find the relationship between the stock return and the accounting information provided by the company. For the pupose of this research, we have selected six companies from the western and Asian market. In this paper, the ...
Testing Various Methodology Of Var Under Crisis Of 2008
Testing various methodology of VaR under crisis of 2008 by Acknowledgement I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis ...
Analysis Of Finance And Accounting Based Outsourcing: Researching The Ethical And Economic Dimensions Of Accounting And Financial Outsourcing In Uk
Analysis of Finance and Accounting Based Outsourcing: Researching the Ethical and Economic Dimensions of Accounting and Financial Outsourcing in UK By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without ...
Analysis Of Finance And Accounting Based Outsourcing: Researching The Ethical And Economic Dimensions Of Accounting And Financial Outsourcing In Uk
Analysis of Finance and Accounting Based Outsourcing: Researching the Ethical and Economic Dimensions of Accounting and Financial Outsourcing in UK By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without ...
Effects Of Capital Structure On The Profitability On Top 5 Banks In Canada
Effects of Capital Structure on the Profitability on Top 5 Banks in Canada By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful ...
The Euro Zone Bond Market
THE EURO ZONE BOND MARKET Sovereign Credit Ratings and The euro zone Bond Market [Name of the Institute]ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank everyone who helped me in completing my dissertation on time including my supervisor, my teachers, my family and my friends. Without their kind support this research would not be possible. DECLARATION The ...
The Relationship Between Sukuk Prices And Interest Rates In United Arab Emirates Uae
[The Relationship between Sukuk Prices and Interest Rates In United Arab Emirates UAE] By [Name of Faculty Member] [Name of Department] [Year] Abstract The research investigates about the development of sukuk bonds and the emerging market of sukuk bonds. Basically is an islamic securities assets-based and provides the investor a resonable profit for their investments. Sukuk ...
How Useful Are Contingent Convertible Instruments In Preventing Future Banking Crises?
How useful are contingent convertible instruments in preventing future banking crises? By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do ...
Current Recession In Uk
Current Recession in UK By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research. DECLARATION I, (Your name), would like to ...
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