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Assignment on Ethics

Ethics refer to moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group. Students require submitting large number of assignments frequently, which test their analytical and investigative skills. Researchomatic brings you thousands of sample assignments on various topics of ethics including its sub- branches, history and evolution, theories, application in corporations and societies, etc.

Technology On Human Relationships
Technology on Human Relationships Introduction New technologies, particularly the Internet, global computer network and mobile phones allows access to various public services such as email, instant messaging and many other services. This allows people around the world to interact through different technology. This paper deals with the impact of technology on the human ...
Assignment On Gerontology
ASSIGNMENT ON GERONTOLOGY Assignment on Gerontology Assignment on Gerontology Introduction There is ample evidence to suggest that negative expectations and stereotypes about the competence of older adults pervade Western culture (e.g., Hummert, 1999; Kite and Wagner, 2002). For example, older adults are characterized as more forgetful and less able to learn new ...
Substance Abuse
SUBSTANCE ABUSE 12-Step Program of Substance Abuse 12-Step Program of Substance Abuse Introduction Participation in 12-step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, both during and after formal treatment, is associated with better outcomes among substance users. Twelve-step groups (12SG) are a form of mutual-help or mutual aid based on the premise that individuals who ...
The Apathy Factor
The Apathy Factor Social Apathy Towards Calamities Introduction In the current phase of time, the need for hazard prevention and disaster preparedness has increased dramatically. The increase in natural calamities, in line with global warming, has had its effects felt throughout the United States. The damage to property, communication, and public infrastructure ...
Sensory Perceptions
SENSORY PERCEPTIONS Sensory Perceptions Sensory Perceptions Most people have one or more extra-sensory perceptions during their lives, but most of those perceptions are ignored because of their subtle nature. One example of extra-sensory perception is the intuition about an unexpected event, such as having the intuition of who is calling on ...
Argument Mapping
Argument Mapping Argument Mapping Introduction The main role of the United States highway framework is versatility, not wellbeing. In the event that it was the last, they might set speed limits much easier. A 20 mph speed limit, with governors on all engine vehicles to anticipate surpassing that speed, would absolutely lower ...
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Ponton, Richard F. (2012), Mindfulness and Mastery in Counseling: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p189-196 This study introduces the issue related to mindfulness and integrates the concept related to mindfulness with the literature on counseling development. It also ...
Global Citizenship
GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Main Function of Education Is To Promote Social Justice and Global Citizenship Main Function of Education Is To Promote Social Justice and Global Citizenship Introduction The fact that we had to engage in self re-education might not seem very startling or distressing if students in the United States today were ...
Consumer Psychology
Consumer Psychology Consumer Psychology THEORY 1: CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS Theory The consumer decision-making is influenced by a number of external and internal factors, which will involves the steps of awareness of the need, search for information, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post purchase behaviour. The recognition of a problem ...
LEADERSHIP Relevance or Applicability of Leadership theories in Philippines Executive Summary Philippines are located in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is among the main water bodies of Southeast Asia. Its full name is Republic of Philippines. A culture is considered to be male when expressive masculinity roles are considered to ...
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