Employability Skills

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Employability Skills


My Career Objectives1

Q 1.22







Effects on Employees5

Q 2.15

The Effective Strategy6

Q 2.27

Importance of Communication7

Styles of Methods of Communication7

Q 2.38

Effective Planning8

Setting goals and objectives9

Setting deadlines9

Delegation of responsibilities9

Prioritizing activities as per their importance9

Q 3.19

Belbin Team Role Model9

Q 3.210

Q 3.311

Q 4.112

Force Field Analysis12

Root Cause Analysis12

Q 4.213

Ability Enhancement Strategy13

Motivation Improvement Strategy14

Q 4.314

Impact of Ability Enhancement Strategy14

Impact of Motivation Improvement Strategy15



Motivation Improvement Strategy17



Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management18

Four Principles of Taylorism19

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory19




Employability Skills


In order to alleviate the pressure from choosing the right career, I will adopt the most successful goal setting technique which is to develop SMART goals. In order to keep the goals aligned with the career objectives and responsibilities I would like to adopt in the future, I will ensure that the goals are: Specific: the career I will select should offer me the job security. I will also include the possibilities of relocation and types of companies I will be approaching. Measurable: I will make the objective measurable by tracking the time I spend on searching for the job and the types of jobs I apply in a week. This will help me in analyzing what types of jobs are most available in the market and will also reveal my interests (Venturella, 2011). Action-oriented: I will make the goals action oriented by implementing my plans that will help me in finding the right career. That includes attending the industry events and joining various professional networks. I will also comply with the rules and regulations of the placement office of the college that will help me in finding the right kind of job. Realistic: My goals will be realistic in nature as I will expect a management trainee or entry level job in the company. Timely: The aim of my job search and for my future career will be time defined. It will allow me to set the deadline in seeking the right job. I will also set my future career goals as time specific by carrying out expected growth plans and job switching (Venturella, 2011).

My Career Objectives

I will spend 50% of my total time in networking and reaching out to minimum 3 people in a week. I will meet those persons physically after September 2013.

By the end of year 2013, I will find the best job that will suit my personality as an ISFJ according to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

By June 30th of year 2014, my salary should be raised by minimum 10%, and I will be promoted to next level in the annual appraisal.

I will attend at least one international short term training assignment till December 2014.

Q 1.2

Self evaluation helps in thoroughly reviewing the performance by implementing an evaluation cycle. The factors that are checked during self evaluation are established goals, competencies, and overall performance. These factors can be rated to self evaluate. The SMART goals set by me for the next few years assist me in defining myself and my key learning. From the perspective of job seeking, I will evaluate myself using the VIP model which ...
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