Employability Skills

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills

Employability Skills


This paper has analysed the concept of teams and groups, and employability skills, communication skills for going to have a job. Finally, in the end the importance of social networking in small businesses has also been analysed.

Despite all the hype and myths about the nature of groups and teams, it is simply a question of ensuring the right mix of skills and that all the members of the group cooperate with each other.

A group may be defined as two or more people interacting with each other to achieve results or to determine specific requirements. A team is a group whose members work closely and intensively on an outcome or common goal. Based on these concepts, all teams are groups but not all groups are teams. The fundamental characteristics that differentiate them are:

1. Integration and intensity with which the components of a team work

2. The specific goals or objectives as a team

3. The degree of difficulty for integrating devices with a level of homogeneous behaviour.

Both interact with each other for a purpose, but with different levels of commitment to organizational performance. Its action is synergistic while their labour produces higher quality results than it could produce each person separately even though all their efforts together. Factors that contribute to this synergy are the ability of group members to exchange ideas, debug, solve problems more quickly and learn how to learn from experience. Therefore, high levels of decision that must be very specific in its composition, making sure that their knowledge and skills are commensurate with the needs of assigned tasks. Also, provide the greatest possible autonomy to accomplish their work, free from any influence, and open access to technical support, financial and moral at all times (Abramson & Lawrence 2001, 180).

The potential of this mechanism to work is such that in fact the basic reason why senior management that promotes this kind of empowerment is the leadership styles of their corporations. Groups and teams also play an important role in relations with the context, as their interdisciplinary training and organizational integration varied, will get you in more detail both the needs of customers, such as suppliers, authorities, similar companies and other agents of environmental or otherwise influence or impact.

The importance of their training significantly impacts on innovation, since the study and analysis of elements of change in a team is much deeper than the individual, critical spirit is more objective and level of support of the proposals and / or technical criteria is more solid.

It is undeniable that the work group or team also meets a stabilizing role for the organization to improve relationships and sense of acceptance among its members, reducing anxiety levels and communication needs they have, which by their close relationship with tasks carried out, are not always understood by their circle of friends and family representing the instances immediate way of life (Bryant 2009, 190).

Gradually, teams have become the basis of the 21st century ...
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