Employability Skills

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Employability Skills

Table of Contents




Time Management Questionnaire4


Active Plan5

Jung Typology Test5



Action Plan7

Holland Questionnaire7



Action Plan8

Learning Style Index Questionnaire9





Employability Skills


The Employability skills determining by the usage of time management questionnaire assists the employability skills and defines as the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required by people to seek, obtain and sustain employment at all levels in the current market.


Fundamental skills such as communication and numeracy

Self-management skills such as time management and personal development

Workplace skills such as problem solving and team working

Moreover, Education is very important for an individual's success in life.


Education provides pupils teaching skills that prepare them physically, mentally and socially for the world of work in later life. Education is the best investment for the people because well educated people have more opportunities to get a job which gives them satisfaction. Main purpose of education is to educate individuals within society, to prepare and qualify them for work in economy. But the debate about whether education is an art or a science has gone on for a long time. (Holmes, 2001, p22)

Education especially higher education is facing many challenges from the skill development point of view. The lack of necessary specialties, low-education, low-consciences, sciences and technologies are extremely important problems in today's societies. The high percentage of societies' population, especially poor societies, does not have access to education while the first step for society's development is specialty and skills. So, it is necessary for states to plan for education development, consciousness-raising and technical as well as professional skills development. (Holmes, 2001, p.111) Major issue, still the colleges of higher education across the globe faces is making provision of adequate vocational skills, with which the student's community get well better employability option from the corporate.

Time Management Questionnaire

Time management is a wide and diverse area, with different issues and challenges for each of us. While general principles can be covered in group training, each person's situation and priorities are best addressed through one-to-one coaching. This questionnaire helps the preparation of group training and personal coaching.


Competing in the new environment will require higher levels of competence and necessitate looking straight ahead, not constantly glancing rearview mirror for warm fuzzy feelings about what I have achieved in the past. Dependency on technology in the future will increase, not decrease. Spend time learning new computer programs but more importantly, make applications to my daily routine and strive to use technology as an enabler of productivity, not as a neat new toy with tons of cute features that I don't use.

Active Plan

Immerse yourself in all the available positive mental attitude material I can find. Negatives are thrown at I the entire day from the news, next door neighbors and the nerd in the next cubicle. Teams face hurdles to productivity which causes dissention among members. Management faces stockholder dissatisfaction and product deadlines. To compound the problem, my mind naturally generates negative thoughts before positive thoughts. I have to train my mind to see the positive, to find the positive and to see the opportunity ...
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