Employability Skills

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills

TASK 1- Determination of responsibilities and performance

Firstly, I would try my level best to play as a team player, and team goals will prevail over my personal goals. It is a fact that if the team performs well, your individual performance would automatically be as good. It would be my priority to move forward with the team, rather than just considering my personal accomplishments.

Secondly, I would try working as diligently as possible. I will try my level best in whatever I do, even if the work is out of my reach, it would my top priority to a way acorn the things. Working hard is the key to success.

Thirdly, nowadays there is a need for versatility which means that you bring a broad range of skills to the table. Therefore, I would try my level best in overcoming whatever obstacles that may come in my way.

I will try to remain consistent in my performance and would try to focus on persistent goals instead of changing my perception all the time. As nowadays people are not steadfast in whatever they do, therefore i will try to bring consistency into my offering.

2.1 Strategic plans

Women- The Beauty plc is performing well in all parts but the Far-East Asian region, therefore it could be understood the problem is not with the product but it is due to changing dynamics prevalent in this part of the world. The marketing professionals might not be taking these factors into account; as a result the sales are being affected.

Firstly, the marketing professionals shall be trained so that they could understand the culture of this type of market. Women-The Beauty shall bear the expenses for the training. Because the workforce of any organization is its asset and spending on assets is an asset. Secondly, the products shall be designed and packages in such a way that it becomes more acceptable to the general public. It is not necessary that the same types of products would be acceptable in ever part of the world. Every country/region has its own values and tastes.

Strategic plans are related to the long term goals of the company and goals would be in the shape of Women- The Beauty's mission statement. It has been seen that only about 63% are able to achieve what they were striving for, this is merely because normally companies do not think of developing a sound strategy but they move onto the implementation part, which shall not be the case (Mankins, M.C and Steele, R. 2005). Hence, Women- The Beauty shall develop a proper strategy frst and then consider its implementation.

2.2 Communication styles

Communication style has a particular significance in the organization, as it allows the management at various levels to convey their messages back and forth. It is often the case that there are various communication channels prevailing at the same point of time.

Both formal and informal communications are important. Formal would include the communication being done on paper-based as well electronic channels, ...
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