Employability Skills

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills


Employability skills are necessary to get employment or set up an enterprise. The employers mainly identify some group of skills that are necessary in the organizations. These include the set of skills like communication, problem solving capability, team work expertise, learning ability, technological aspects, organizing and management, initiative and self management. These skills can be distinct as they are skills that can be transferred and are required by people to make them 'employable'. These are the skills that are necessary to get jobs in the market.

Team Dynamics

Team dynamics is a practical process which is a mixture of communications and interactions at all the phases. The team dynamics are not only limited to the business organization but also have existence in the social organizations, various social groups, and also activities like sporting teams, etc. The team dynamics are referred to as the changes and processes that occur in a team. These team dynamics basically lead to the achievement of goals, if they are met effectively and efficiently. To identify the team dynamics is important as it assists in understanding the positive and negative results that might be an occurrence to the dynamics of the team efforts. The behavioral relations among the members in an organizational group that are assigned with associated tasks inside a company (Williams, 2011, pp. 01). Team dynamics are influenced by the roles and responsibilities of these people that have a direct consequence on efficiency.

Importance of Studying Team Dynamics

It is important to study and understand the team dynamics because the teams go through various changes and activities, and in order to keep the teams together in an effective manner it is essential to learn about the dynamics. The teams help in relationship building in the organization which establishes an effective work culture in an organization. These are the groups that form an environment of the organization. Excellent team dynamics begin with an effectual management. The leader or owner of the company needs to understand the team dynamics due to smart recruitment, positive control and fair agreement resolution. The main concern to understand the importance of the team dynamics is to get better results, show more commitment, avoid conflicts, and create more margin of trust among all the employees. In short, it is the process of brining betterment in the organizational processes (Cox, 2010, pp. n.d.).

Role within Teams

The process of forming a team at its best requires the clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the team members. These roles are aimed to perform well ad effectively in the organization. The roles within the team vary according to the nature of the job, and according to the nature of the organization. The team members are chosen as they contain particular set of skills that are necessary to achieve and accomplish the project responsibilities. The roles can vary like in some scenario it is essential to hold dynamic business skills, technological capabilities, and various other requirements (Kalantzsis ...
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