Effective Manager

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Effective Manager

Effective Manager


An effective manager inspire the employees, it motivate and provides right path and guidance to the employees. The engage with the employees and provide learning opportunities for them. The responsibility of an effective manager is to deal and satisfy each and every employee within the organization and keep cordial relations with them. The effective manager is talented and skilful as they guide and deals effectively and efficiently with the employees. The skills of an effective manager are developed through training, gaining experience and mentoring the employees. There are success traits of a manager it includes communication, leadership, adaptability, relationships, development of others and personal development. An effective manger should communicate the employees in convincing manner. He should be leader but not forcefully impose things to the employees. The manager knows regarding the skills and development of the employees. The effective manager is aware regarding their personal development as first they develop their skills and abilities after that they polish their team abilities. An effective manager is one who learns first and after that communicates his learning to his employees for the benefit of the organization (Priolo, 2011, pp.1).


Question 1

Personal Skills of an effective manager is the key area for any organization to be successful. Negotiation skill plays a vital role to be an effective manager as the employee's don't hesitate in communicating with their boss. They are free to share their point of view and there should be an open discussion for negotiating between the manager and the employee. They conduct staff meetings for open discussions. They build rapport with their team members. They develop negotiations so that employees feel free to communicate their problem areas to their boss (Effective Manager, pp.8).

Another skill of an effective manager is team work. The team work is highly appreciable in the organization. Effective managers can build teams and there is coordination and cooperation in team works. There is a saying one mind is better than thousand minds. The idea generation is highly important in organization. An effective manger gives the chance to its team to think effectively and work with cooperation. They share the good work and success with other team members (Effective Manager, pp.8).

An effective manager motivates and train employees. They remember the efforts of an employee. The hard work of employee is remembered by the manager he appreciates and encourages employees. He informs mistakes as people learn by leaning in from their mistakes. The attitude of manager should not be harsh as harsh attitude disturbs an employee. An effective manager has presentation skills as the manager guide and provides the training and communication through presentations. In the meetings and discussions employees are free to conduct presentations sessions. It will develop the confidence and leadership skills of an employee (Effective Manager, pp.8).

The manager identifies individual performance of an employee. They have set targets for the employees and when the employee gets success in achieving the target they are guided and appreciated when their targets and goals are ...
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