The Supervisor And Manager As An Effective Leader

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The Supervisor and Manager as an effective leader

The Supervisor and Manager as an effective leader


Leadership and management are somewhat synonymous terms within the field of organisational development. A significant amount of research endeavours to draw distinctions between the differences of leaders and managers, while other studies focus on the contextual element of leadership or indeed the leaders themselves, in an attempt to define leadership. More recently research has focused on the examination of what subordinates or followers value in a leader, specifically practices such as enabling or empowering employees, on the premise that the psychosocial health of employees, improves the interrelationships with management. (Glenn, 2008)

This recent development in part, has grown out of the need for organisations that are consistently looking to improve themselves in highly competitive markets. Organisational effectiveness heavily relies on employee performance, which is most frequently attributed to effective leadership within the organisation. Included in this report is an investigation of a case study, which highlights the dynamic interaction between employees and a leader. This case study demonstrates the complex issues involved when considering whether a manager is a leader and whether leadership can be both good and bad.

The Importance of the Follower

Charles Saatchi who built one of the largest advertising agencies in the world, once said 'the assets of this organisation go up and down in the lifts'; Saatchi clearly recognises the importance of his employees to the success of his organisation. Industrial leaders such as Ricardo Semler of Semco (SA Brazil) also recognise the importance of the employee, “it's not what Semco makes…it's the way people of Semco make it”. Theoretically leadership and/or management of individuals is more likely to be successful if it is better equipped to comprehend, empathise with and predict the behaviour of those it seeks to lead. (Kotter, 2002)

As occupational and organisational psychologists we look to the theories and current trends in order to aid such organisations, with the ultimate aim of offering predictive added value. Given this, one might speculate whether it is possible for a form of leadership theory to be formulated out of current empirical and experimental research, which would afford such predictive value to organisations with regards to the leadership question? As we will see, the answer to this still remains quite perplexing. However, the focus on organising and motivating employees to maximise their investment into the organisations remains. The tools of leadership and management and their respective utility remain at the forefront of organisational development, which if managed well, may be the defining feature that ensures a competitive edge in the marketplace. (Glenn, 2008)

What is a Leader?

A publications reconsider on leadership discloses an entire variety of distinct facets on which diverse delineations focus. Theoretical advances try to interpret leadership in periods of character traits, behavioural patterns (or style), situational (contingency) components, or to aim on those that are advised outstanding leaders (charismatic or transformational).

 This diversity in viewpoint is mostly due to the distinct concerns of researchers who analyze ...
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