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Research Papers on Teachers Career

The profession of teaching not only relies on professional knowledge and learning but also on the development of professional identity. Researchomatic features a range of teacher’s career research papers which focus on continued professional learning. The variety of teacher’s career research papers provided will allow readers to understand and analyze the central tasks involved in the profession.

Professional Organization For Teachers Of Ells
Professional Organization for Teachers of ELLs Professional Organization for Teachers of ELLs Name and Contact Details of Selected Organization The name of the selected organization is Nationalities Service Centre. The Nationalities Service Centre is located near the Philadelphia Convention Center at 12th and Arch Streets. the complete address of the center is ...
DYSLEXIA Dyslexia Dyslexia Introduction Dyslexia is a specific reading disorder whose cause is neurological and is hereditary. Because dyslexia is a real handicap that has a negative impact on academic performance, it is part of a major cause of learning disabilities. Dyslexia is a condition that lasts a lifetime and for ...
Esl Teachers
ESL TEACHERS Struggles of Being an ESL Teacher Writer's Name Writer's university Abstract Countries are becoming more and more multi-racial and diversified in terms of culture and population. They need to learn the language spoken officially in their residing nation. Since English is the most widely used language in major parts of the world, therefore, ...
Merit Pay For Teachers
MERIT PAY FOR TEACHERS Merit Pay for Teachers Abstract Pay for merit in education has remained a debated topic. Some groups suggest that teachers who are paid on their performance are highly motivated which results in an effective academic environment. Others argue that tying pay with performance in education can make the ...
Public Education Issues
PUBLIC EDUCATION ISSUES Courts and Public School Systems Abstract The history of public school systems in the US shows that previously the children with disabilities were excluded from the right to public education. However, when voice was raised for the rights of these children a positive outcome for students with disabilities was ...
Disproportionate Identification
DISPROPORTIONATE IDENTIFICATION Disproportionate Identification Abstract The research paper explores the Issues of Assessment process in special education in a holistic context. This paper focuses specifically on the issue of Disproportionate Identification of minorities in special education and what are the consequences of disproportional representation of minorities. This study examines the issues and then ...
Parents And Child
PARENTS AND CHILD Parents and Child Adapting to the Family Parents and Child Adapting to the Family Introduction In this paper, we will analyze three different articles related to the adopted children. We will critically analyze the purpose of these studies, methods used, relevant measurements, conclusions, and finally our own remarks regarding the ...
Teaching Strategies
TEACHING STRATEGIES Teaching Strategies for EFL Name of the writer Name of the institution Teaching Strategies for EFL Introduction Countries are becoming more and more multi-racial and diversified in terms of culture and population. They need to learn the language spoken officially in their residing nation. Since English is the most widely used ...
Self Assessment
SELF ASSESSMENT How Does Self Assessments Foster Effective Teachers? How Does Self Assessments Foster Effective Teachers? Introduction There are three major areas of knowledge that require constant updating: the medicine, the computer and teaching. However, paradoxically, one of the areas of greatest strength has been submitted to change, is for education (Rebecca, 2009). ...
Literacy Development
LITERACY DEVELOPMENT Literacy Development in Early Childhood [Name of the Institute] Literacy Development in Early Childhood Introduction Literacy development refers to the abilities of a child to develop his reading, writing and learning skills. These skills can develop in a child through proper guidelines and structured learning sessions. In the United States literacy, developmental settings ...
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